The Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia have joined the Takara TOMY Pokémon Plushie series! Pokémon Plushie (ポケモンぬいぐるみ) is a series of plush toys that are cute and comfortable to the touch. The lineup includes a wide range of Pokémon from the animated TV series Pocket Monsters! High resolution p...
Takara Tomy will release the Pocket Monsters HelloPocha (ポケットモンスター ねえ HelloPocha) interactive toy in Japan on November 13th, 2021 for 3,300 yen. This is the third interactive toy in the line as Pikachu and Eievui were released previously. Product Description: When you talk to HelloPocha,...
Marvelous Inc. has announced that Pokémon TRETTA will end operation in Singapore but Pokémon Ga-Olé starts operation in Singapore from Q4 2021. Pokémon Ga-Olé operation starts! A new Pokémon arcade game “Pokémon Ga-Olé” will begin to operate in Singapore from Q4 2021! Please wait for the upc...
The TAKARA TOMY - Pocket Monsters Super Fast PikaTune! (ポケットモンスター 超速PikaTune!) will be released in Japan on October 2nd, 2021 for 4,950 yen (tax included). Pictures of the product have been added to an Imageboard thread. Product Details: TAKARA TOMY - Pocket Monsters Super Fast PikaTune...
The TAKARA TOMY - Pocket Monsters Pokémon Zukan Rotom Phone+ (ポケットモンスター ポケモン図鑑 スマホロトム+) will be released in Japan on October 16th, 2021 for 10,990 yen (tax included). Pictures of the product have been added to an Imageboard thread. Product Details: TAKARA TOMY - Pocket Monsters Pokémon ...
Takara Tomy Arts will release the gacha product Pokémon Waku-waku Halloween Mascot 2 (ポケモン わくわくハロウィンマスコット2) in early August 2021. The price is 200 yen per gacha (tax included). The previous set was released in September 2020. The Pokémon Halloween Series is back again this year. This time...
Takara TOMY A.R.T.S has revealed a new Pokémon Sleeping Friend Relax at Home Pochama (ポケモン すやすやフレンドおうちでリラックス ポッチャマ) large sized plushie. The Pre-order Period is from Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at 12:00 until Monday, August 9th, 2021 at 23:59 with delivery scheduled for December 2021. The price is 14...
The third plushie line in the I Choose You! Get Pokémon Plushies (キミにきめた!ポケモンゲットぬいぐるみ) set is now available! This time there are eight new plushies: Darkrai, Crecelia, Glacia, Leafia, Dedenne, Lizardon, Naetle and Numera. Together with the popular first and second sets, there are 32 types in the...
TOMY has revealed the Pocket Monsters Live Sound Stadium Pokémon World Championship which features Satoshi and Go from the Pocket Monsters anime. The stadium will go on sale in Japan on June 19th, 2021 for 6,160 yen (tax included). High resolution images of the product have been added to an Imageboa...
TOMY has revealed a new line of Pocket Monsters 2019 Pokémon Plushies featuring character Pokémon from the anime series. Satoshi's Pikachu and Koharu's Eievui will be available in Japan for 2,500 yen each (tax included) on June 19th, 2021. High resolution images of the plushies and packaging have be...
TOMY has announced the Pokémon Plushie Shaking Bachuru with Wanpachi plushie set will be released exclusively on the TOMY Mall eshop for 6000 yen. Pre-orders are open from April 28th, 2021 at 12:00 until May 31st, 2021 at 13:00. High resolution pictures of the plushies have been posted on an Ima...
Toy manufacturer TOMY and game manufacturer Marvelous Inc. announced that in just over 6 months since the games launch on September 17th, 2020, the amusement machine Pokémon Mezaster has ships over 30 million tags and there is now more than 500,000 Pokémon Mezaster Trainers nationwide in Japan! ...
The popular "Munyumaru (むにゅまる)" line with its soft, marshmallow-like texture which is small, rounded-shaped form, has new items in the lineup! This time, the lineup includes four new Pokémon types: Plusle, Minun, Pochama and Pichu. Together with the existing 16 Pokémon, the lineup has a total of...
Takara Tomy has revealed the Pocket Monsters Mini Mini Gacha Poké Machine (ポケットモンスター ミニミニガチャポケマシン) and it is now available for purchase in Japan. There are 5 different mini machines and they each cost 1400 yen including tax. The machines are branded with the Pocket Monsters 2019 logo and feature...
Takara TOMY has announced that the Pokémon Dynamax Band (ポケモン ダイマックスバンド), which can be used with Pokémon Mezaster, will go on sale in Japan on February 11th, 2021 for 1,980 Yen. An Imageboard thread has been created with high resolution product pictures. Product Description: The Dynamax ...
A big plushie of Dragapult, with a feature that allows you to detach the Dreepy. With adorable eyes, a translucent tail, and other details, this plush toy is comfortable to hold. The size of the plush toy is approximately 62cm tall, 58cm wide, and 50cm deep, and with its tail extending to 100cm ...
TOMY have added new Pokémon plushie to their lineup including: Lucario and Aceburn! The Pokémon Plushie series is a line of cute and comfortable plush toys. There's a wide range of Pokémon in the lineup, with a focus on the most popular Pokémon! The release date for both plushies is Saturday, Oc...
Pokédel-z (ポケデルゼ) is a toy game by Takara Tomy that ties into the Moncolle Monster Collection and new products were released in Japan on September 19th, 2020. When a ball is rolled, it opens up and the placed Moncolle flies out of the middle of it and Pokédel-z! Zacian and Zamazenta are availabl...
As part of the Pokémon Plushie Series, Zarude from Pokémon the Movie Coco is now available from Takara TOMY. An official Pokémon Center Zarude plushie was released in August of 2020. The Pokémon Plushie series is a series of soft-to-touch stuffed Pokémon that are made to look cute. There's a wid...
Pokémon Mezastar is a "Pokémon" amusement machine which was released in Japan on September 17th, 2020. Pokémon Mezasta is a new game machine that uses "tags" to play! Battle against wild Pokémon and catch them! You can get tags of the Pokémon you catch! Collect tags for your favorite Pokémon, in...