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アニメポケットモンスター リコとロイの冒険

  • Anime Pocket Monsters: The Adventures of Liko and Roy
Main Image


Country:  Japan Japan
Language:  Japanese Japanese
Publisher:  Shogakukan
Author:  Kei Yamadaka
ISBN 10#:  4091497551
ISBN 13#:  9784091497550
Release Date:  2024-06-27
Pages:  160
Price:  770円


Experience the thrilling Pokémon battles in manga form! The hugely popular TV anime Pocket Monsters has been made into a manga!

Includes the beginning of Liko's adventure, the clash with the Six Heroes Pokémon, Galar Fire, and the thrilling battle with the Legendary Heroes Pokémon, Black Rayquaza!

Don't miss the thrilling Pokémon battles that are so exciting that even those who have already seen the anime can enjoy them! The complete edition of the story that was so popular when it was published in CoroCoro Comic magazine!

Pokémon-fan and artist Kei Yamadaka draws the great adventures of Liko and Roy, as well as the realistic Pokémon battles which are sure to get you excited!

The battle with the Heroes Pokémon, Black Rayquaza, is so powerful that you can feel the roars of the Pokémon and the impact of their collisions!

まんがで味わう大迫力のポケモンバトル! 大人気テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」が超本格コミックス化!

リコの冒険の始まり、六英雄ポケモン・ガラルファイヤーとの激突、 そして伝説の六英雄ポケモン・黒いレックウザとの手に汗握る激闘を収録!



