Title: Pokémon Shirts - Tadashi Harada Collection - Pokémon Ruby an...
New Pokémon patterns have been added to Pokémon Shirts, a collaboration between Pokémon and the online custom shirt brand Original Stitch, which allows users to freely combine Pokémon patterns! This time, 35 new patterns will be added as the forth series of Pokémon patterns based on the games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The theme of the forth series is Sky (空). The lineup focuses on Pokémon that are active in the sky, such as Latias, Latios and Rayquaza.
The key visuals were created by
Shiseido's top hair and makeup artist,
Tadashi Harada (原田忠氏). The key visual was inspired by Kyogre, legendary Pokémon said to represent the sea. It's a wonderfully innovative and original expression that only Tadashi Harada can create. The collaboration with Tadashi Harada is scheduled to continue with a 4th set, so look forward to it!
Details of the 2nd set are available here.
Tadashi Harada, Shiseido's top hair and makeup artist
He has been involved in a wide range of activities both in Japan and overseas, including hair and makeup for the New York, Paris, and Shanghai collections, as well as advertising. As a beauty director, he continues to boldly challenge the possibilities of beauty expression by fusing hair and makeup with high fashion for famous artists' CD jackets, music videos, and popular manga and anime characters. His unique and overwhelming visual expression through his unique sense of beauty has been highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad.
Item Pictures:
Item Details:
Men's shirts, women's shirts, kids' shirts
Sizes for adults: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL
Sizes for kids: 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150cm
Customizable Options: Adults: 6 locations (body, collar, collar back, sleeves, sleeve back, pocket)
Customizable Options for kids: 2 locations (main body, pockets)
Price for adults: Starting at 11,000 yen + (tax included / shipping not included)
Price for kids: Starting at 9,350 yen + (tax and shipping not included)