Title: Pokémon Tretta - Buy 1 Pokémon Movie Ticket, get 1 Lugia chi...
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Receive a Exclusive LUGIA TRETTA CHIP with a purchase of a movie ticket for Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us! LUGIA TRETTA CHIP will be served while it lasts. Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us was in participating theaters in Singapore starting on November 15th, 2018.
Exchange your movie ticket with the chip at following shops!
1) PLAYe Bedok Mall
2) PLAYe City Square
3) TOG Tiong Bahru
4) TOG Plaza Singapura
5) TOG Tampines
6) TOG Jurong Point
7) Virtualand Tiong Bahru
8) Virtualand Singpost Center
9) Mega Multimedia Jurong Point