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28 Jun 2019 08:18 PM
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Since the e3 Nintendo Treehouse for Pokémon Sword and Shield, many fans have been voicing their displeasure on social media about the games not including all the Pokémon in the National Dex. Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK, the producer of Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield officially responded to the fans displeasure with the following message:

A Message for Pokémon Video Game Fans

Thank you to all of our fans for caring so deeply about Pokémon. Recently, I shared the news that some Pokémon cannot be transferred to Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. I've read all your comments and appreciate your love and passion for Pokémon.

Just like all of you, we are passionate about Pokémon and each and every one of them is very important to us. After so many years of developing the Pokémon video games, this was a very difficult decision for me. I'd like to make one thing clear: even if a specific Pokémon is not available in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, that does not mean it will not appear in future games.

The world of Pokémon continues to evolve. The Galar region offers new Pokémon to encounter, Trainers to battle, and adventures to embark on. We are pouring our hearts into these games, and we hope you will look forward to joining us on this new journey.

June 28, 2019

Junichi Masuda

ファンのみなさん、いつもポケモンを大切に思ってくれて、本当にありがとうございます。先日、「ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」に一部のポケモンを連れて行けないことを発表しました。みなさんの様々なメッセージや意見を読み、みなさんのポケモンに対する愛を、改めて深く感じました。



2019.6.28 増田順一

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/a-message-for-pokemon-video-game-fans/