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15 Jun 2019 06:46 PM
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Due to severe thunderstorms in the Chicago area, the Pokémon GO Fest 2019 had to be canceled but has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 22nd, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Pokémon GO Fest 2019: Weather Update

Trainers, Due to severe thunderstorms in the surrounding area, The National Weather Service in collaboration with the City of Chicago authorities advised evacuating the event site on Saturday, June 15th during Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019. For the safety of attendees, the event was paused given the incoming forecast of lightning. As soon as city safety officials notified the Pokémon GO team that the weather was clear, gameplay resumed and attendees were invited to return to the park.

As a token of our appreciation for attendees’ cooperation during the evacuation and afterwards, Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019 Saturday ticket holders will see increased appearances of event Pokémon featured during Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019 next Saturday. See below for more information:

  • Pokémon GO Fest Chicago featured Pokémon like Machop, Horsea, Lapras, Lotad, Ralts, Mawile, Absol and many others will appear more frequently in the wild for Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019 Saturday ticket holders.

[Date + Time]
  • Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (local time) for Saturday Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019 ticket holders globally.

In addition, similar to last year’s event, all Pokémon GO Fest Chicago 2019 ticket holders will have the ability to finish their Special Research from the event after the weekend is over. Thank you all for your understanding

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/chicagoeventupdate/