Title: Pokémon Stand - New Vending Machines at Haneda Airport
A new news article has been posted!
The official Pokémon website has announced that there are 2 new
Pokémon Stand vending machines at the Haneda Airport bringing the current total of machines operating in Japan as of April 5th, 2019 to 7. The Pokémon Stand is a vending machine where you can purchase official Pokémon Center original products.
Pokémon Stand Locations:
■ Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal 5F Cool Zone
■ Aqua City Odaiba 3rd floor
■ Ebina SA (up) 2nd floor
■ Ashigara SA (down) 1st floor
■ Kansai International Airport Terminal 1 Building 2F
■ Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal 3rd floor (near exit area gate 107)
■ Haneda Airport Domestic Flight 1st Passenger Terminal 2F (Departure Lobby North Wing Kids Corner Back)