Title: Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon Edition: The Official...
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Various retailers have announced that the
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon Edition: The Official National Pokédex will be released in North America on December 12th, 2017 for the suggested retail price of $24.99USD. The paperback book is 720 pages and has the ISBN-10: 0744019362 and the ISBN-13: 978-0744019360.
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon Edition: The Official National Pokédex Details:
- Double-sided National Pokédex poster with bonus art!
- Exclusive interviews with game creators!
- Data for all known Pokémon species in the National Pokédex, including their different forms!
- Key info on each Pokémon’s Evolutions and how to obtain them—plus Abilities, moves, stats, and more!
- Lists of TMs and items that give details on finding them in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon!
- Reverse Lookup tables for moves and Abilities—perfect for the competitive battler!
- Checklist and a guide to completing the National Pokédex!