Title: Movie 19 Blog Updates with Eighth Installment of 'Pokémon Q'...
A new news article has been posted!
The official Pokémon movie blog has updated.
We have added a section collecting every single blog entry for easy browsing. Translations of the new entry follows:
Pokémon Q #8
Question: What Pokémon can you read in the middle?
We will reveal the answer next week!
*The quiz questions asked will concern all Pokémon from national Zukan number 1 to 720, as well as Volcanion and Magearna.
Send in your answer via the
Apply page.
One person that sent in the correct answer will receive a specially made Pokémon movie clear file!
Last week's answer:
The answer is: Heatran
The Pokémon names that fit into the crossword were "Hitotsuki" "Hinoarashi, "Seadra" and "Kingdra"! By rearranging the characters in the colored squares, you could spell "Heatran"!
This week's gift goes to
"Furufuru" from Hokkaido
Congratulations! You will receive a specially made Pokémon movie clear file folder!