Title: New Nintendo 3DS LL Solgaleo/Lunala and Pikachu Version incl...
A new news article has been posted!
The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that the upcoming New Nintendo 3DS LL Solgaleo/Lunala (Black) and the New Nintendo 3DS LL Pikachu (Yellow) will each include a theme which has been designed to suit each version. The New Nintendo 3DS LL Solgaleo/Lunala will feature a theme with Solgaleo and Lunala while the New Nintendo 3DS LL Pikachu will feature a theme with Pikachu.
Both Nintendo 3DS LL systems are available for pre-order starting on July 16th, 2016. Those that pre-order either system will receive a serial code to unlock a theme for the respective version which will be valid to use from November 18th, 2016 until November 30th, 2017.