Title: Alternate-colored Mewtwo / Zygarde / Yveltal Event Pokémon D...
A new news article has been posted!
An alternate-colored Mewtwo will be distributed at the Korean Nationals Qualifying event from May 5th, 2016 until May 8th, 2016 to players of
X, Y,
Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. The level 100
Mewtwo, has the ability
Unnerve, know the moves
Recover and
Aura Sphere.
Yveltal and Zygarde - Serial Code Distribution - Pokémon XYZ
To promote the airing of
Pokémon XYZ on various kids stations in Korea, Yveltal and Zygarde serial codes were given out during broadcasts of the series for use in
Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. On April 20th, 2016, during the 8pm broadcast of the anime on Daekyo Kids TV and at 4pm on Animax, the serial code
POKEMONXYZ was revealed to unlock
The alternate-colored
Yveltal is level 100, has the ability
Dark Aura and know the moves
Oblivion Wing,
Sucker Punch,
Dark Pulse and
Foul Play.
On April 20th, 2016, during the 6pm broadcast of the anime on KBS Kids, the serial code
ZYGARDE was revealed to unlock
Zygarde. The alternate-colored
Zygarde is level 100, has the ability
Aura Break and know the moves
Land's Wrath,
Extreme Speed,
Glare and