Title: Dance? Great Pikachu Outbreak! Pikachu Event Distribution
A new news article has been posted!
The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced a
Pikachu distribution as part of the
Dance? Great Pikachu Outbreak! (踊る?ピカチュウ大量発生チュウ!) festivities for 2015. The distribution is being promoted as
An alternate-colored Pikachu that knows Teeter Dance (フラフラダンスを覚えた色違いのピカチュウ). Players of
X, Y,
Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire are eligible to receive this event Pokémon. It will be distributed from August 8th, 2015 until August 16th, 2015 from 10:30 to 17:00 JST at the Landmark Plaza 1F - Garden Square in Yokohama, Japan.
The level 10 alternate-colored Pikachu knows the moves: Teeter Dance, Play Nice, Tail Whip and Nuzzle. It is holding the Persim Berry item.