A new news article has been posted!
In a press release from the McDonald's Corporation's head office in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo from President and CEO Sarah El Casanova on December 25th, 2014, it was officially announced that a Pokémon themed Happy Set would begin being sold nationwide in Japan for a limited time starting January 2nd, 2015 at participating locations.
8 separate toys will be distributed during two different time periods in January. Starting January 2nd, 2015, Pikachu's Volt Attack (ピカチュウ ボルトアタック), Fokko's Fire Ring (フォッコ ファイヤーリング), Harimaron's Log Ride (ハリマロン ログライド) and Mega Lucario's Double Wave Spinner (メガルカリオ ダブルはどうスピナー) will be available. Starting January 9th, 2015, Keromatsu's Bubble Disk Shooter (ケロマツ あわディスクシュート), Mega Lizardon X's Fireball (メガリザードン X ファイヤーボール), Dedenne's Flower Ride (デデンネ フラワーライド) and Dancing Yancham (ダンシングヤンチャム) will be available.
Videos and a commercial featuring
Abareru-kun from
Pokémon Get TV will begin being shown on the McDonald's website and on TV starting January 2nd, 2015.