Title: PokéBall Vivillon / Pokémon Center Summer Vacation Festival ...
A new news article has been posted!
The official Japanese Pokémon website announced that
Vivillon will be distributed to players of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y at
Pokémon Centersin Japan from August 1st, 2014 until August 31th, 2014. It will also be distributed from August 1st, 2014 to August 18th, 2014 at the Pokémon Center Summer Vacation Festival in Daimaru Kobe (ポケモンセンターなつまつり in 大丸神戸店). This is the 19th variant for
Vivillon and this is the same one that was distributed at the
Paris Pokémon Center except that it will be distributed in a PokéBall rather than a Cherish Ball. This variants pattern is based on the PokéBall (ボールのもようのビビヨン). The
Vivillon being distributed is level 12 and knows the moves
Stun Spore,
Light Screen and
Struggle Bug.
Pokémon Center Summer Vacation Festival in Daimaru Kobe
From July 26th, 2014 until August 18th, 2014, the Pokémon Center Summer Vacation Festival in Daimaru Kobe (ポケモンセンターなつまつり in 大丸神戸店) will take place. Mini attractions including the Pokémon☆Kids Carnival (ポケモン☆キッズカーニバルのミニアトラクション) and Let's Play Pokémon Bingo! (ポケモンビンゴ大会で遊ぼう) will be available for people to participate in. The Pokémon Art Gallery exhibit from the
Paris Pokémon Center will also be displayed. A Pokémon Stamp Rally will also take place. There will also be a booth setup for people to buy official Pokémon Center Merchandise.