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06 Jun 2014 12:37 PM
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The International Tokyo Toy Show 2014 (東京おもちゃショー2014) takes place at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) West Exhibition Hall 1-4 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo on June 12th, 2014 to June 15th, 2014. It is open to the public on June 14th and 15th.

Challenge Cup ~Lizardon Challenge!!~ (チャレンジカップ~リザードンに挑戦!!~) will be available for players to participate in. Those that win will get the Lizardon Trophy Tretta but for those that do not win will receive the Darumakka Rookie Tretta instead. Tretta Leader Kenta (トレッタリーダーのケント) will be on-hand.

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The official Pokémon Tretta website has announced that Rica Matsumoto and Gero will both be on-hand at the Takara Tomy booth on June 14th, 2014 and that there will be a performance of the anime theme song Aim To Be A Pokémon Master (めざせポケモンマスター).

Sources: http://www.toys.or.jp/toyshow/event_outline_en.html and http://www.pokemontretta.com/event/e140521/