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07 Mar 2014 01:15 PM
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A new news article has been posted!
Nintendo has confirmed that a Pokémon Battle TROZEi Download Card (『ポケモンバトルトローゼ』のダウンロードカード) will be available to purchase a participating retail stores across Japan on March 12th, 2014 for 762yen (excluding tax). All Pokémon Centers will also sell the download card.


Store Locations

  1. 7/11 (セブン-イレブン)
  2. Circle K Sunkus (サークルKサンクス)
  3. EDION (エディオン)
  4. Geo (ゲオ)
  5. Joshin Denki (上新電機)
  6. 3Bee
  7. Sofmap (ソフマップ)
  9. Don Quijote (ドン・キホーテ)
  10. Bic Camera (ビックカメラ)
  11. Book Square (ブック・スクウェア)
  12. Furuhon Ichiba (古本市場)
  13. Home Expo (ホームエキスポ)
  14. Yamada Denki (ヤマダ電機)
  15. Yodobashi Camera (ヨドバシカメラ)
Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2014/03/140307_g01.html