Title: Ghost/Gangar and Strike/Hassam Christmas Exchange Event Dist...
A new news article has been posted!
Ghost (ゴースト) and
Strike (ストライク) will be distributed to players of
Pokémon X and Y in Japan at the 8 Pokémon Centers and the participating 45 Toys R Us locations as a Christmas Exchange (クリスマス交換会) event distribution. In the spirit of exchanging and giving during Christmas time, players can exchange one of their Pokémon in a trade to get either
Ghost or
Strike starting on
December 21st, 2013 until December 26th, 2013.
Any caught Pokémon from
Pokémon X and Y can be traded but easily caught Pokémon such as
Horubee or
Yayakoma are recommended as they are easily caught early in the games. Players can then use the
Player Search System (PSS) to trade their Pokémon with a store staff member.
A this is trade distribution, the
Ghost (ゴースト) players will receive will evolve into
Gangar (ゲンガー) at the end of the trading process. Gangar is level 25, has the OT Christmas (クリスマス), has the Ability Levitate (ふゆう) and knows the following moves:
Psychic (サイコキネシス),
Confuse Ray (あやしいひかり),
Sucker Punch (ふいうち) and
Shadow Punch (シャドーパンチ).
Strike (ストライク) will be holding the Metal Coat item and it will evolve into
Hassam (ハッサム) at the end of the trading process. Hassam is level 25, has the OT Christmas (クリスマス), has the Ability Technician (テクニシャン) and knows the following moves:
Aerial Ace (つばめがえし),
False Swipe (みねうち),
Agility (こうそくいどう) and
Fury Cutter (れんぞくぎり).
Players can then get the Mega Stones to Mega evolve both
Gangar (ゲンガー) and
Hassam (ハッサム) during battles.
Lucky Egg Serial Code
Players of Pokémon Black or White, Pokémon Black 2 or White 2, as well as
Pokémon X and Y can also receive a serial code to get a Lucky Egg. Only serial code will be given per person.