Title: Encore screenings of Pokémon: Genesect and the Awakened Lege...
A new news article has been posted!
After airing screenings of the sixteenth Pokémon movie,
Gensect and the Awakened Legend in selected cinemas
last weekend, Hoyts has announced that seven cinemas will be showing encore screenings this weekend. The following cinemas will be showing additional screenings of the movie on Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November:
Carousel (WA)
Chadstone (VIC)
Garden City (WA)
Highpoint (VIC)
Stafford (QLD)
Sunnybank (QLD)
Tea Tree Plaza (SA)
In addition, the movie will be showing free-to-air on Channel 11's Toasted TV programme at 7.05-9.00am on Sunday 24 November.
Hoys Cinema session times,
Channel 11 TV guide