Title: Pocket Monsters Movie 16 Debuts in 2nd Place at the Box Offi...
The latest Pocket Monsters movie debuted in Japanese theaters on July 13th, 2013. The 16th movie
Extremespeed Genesect: The Awakening of Mewtwo (神速のゲノセクト ミュウツー覚醒) and its short
Pikachu and its Eievui Friends (ピカチュウとイーブイフレンズ) were unable to beat Disney Pixar's Monsters University (モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ) which took first place and Pocket Monsters ended up in second place. Pocket Monsters Movie 16 was shown on 345 screens throughout Japan and made 486,293,500yen on the weekend.
According to Cinema Today's article about the 16th Pocket Monsters movie, 62% of the audience watching were male while only 38% were female. 37% of the audience was elementary aged children, while 28.2% were over 30 and 17.6% were people in their 20's. It was also noted that the reason for the large adult audience was because they were accompanying their children. While it wasn't indicated in the statistics, the other 18.2% was most likely the teenage demographic.
http://eiga.com/ranking/ and