Title: Momoclo no Kodomo Matsuri 2012 ~Yoiko no Minna Atsumare!~ DV...
Momoclo no Kodomo Matsuri 2012 ~Yoiko no Minna Atsumare!~ (ももクロ子供祭り2012~良い子のみんな集まれーっ!) DVD and Bluray were released in Japan on January 23rd, 2013. They feature the Momoiro Clover Z event "Momokuro no Kodomo Matsuri dayo!" held at Toda-shi Bunka Kaikan on May 5th, 2012. The disc features a live performance of the Best Wishes ending theme
Mitemite kotchitchi (みてみて☆こっちっち).
The Bluray and DVD are being distributed by King Records. The Bluray has a catalog number of KIXM-68 and retails for 5,040yen while the 2 disc DVD set has the catalog numbers KIBM-333~334 and retails for 3,990yen. Both the
DVD and
Bluray have been added to our
disc database.