Title: Megalo Cannon (メガロキャノン) / Kamex+Kyruem EX (カメックス+キュレムEX)
The ninth Japanese Black and White Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion has been revealed by various retailers. BW9
Megalo Cannon (メガロキャノン) will be released in Japan on March 15, 2013 and it will include over 76 cards in the set. A box of cards will retail for 3150yen while a booster pack will cost 158yen.
Also revealed was a new combo deck called
Kamex+Kyruem EX (カメックス+キュレムEX) and it will also be released in Japan on March 15, 2013. The pack includes 60 cards which features Kamex and Kyruem EX and will retail for 1680yen.
http://www.neowing.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-78184 and