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04 Jul 2011 06:11 PM
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Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 39, Kireihana VS Rafflesia! Peace of the Meadows! / Movie Pre-Premiere Special - An Expanded Pokémon Quiz Caravan Introduces a New Quiz where Misaki, Hana and Maria ask Questions Dressed up as Pokémon!(キレイハナVSラフレシア!そうげんのへいわ! / 映画公開直前SP・ポケモンクイズキャラバン拡大版でポケモンになりきったミサキ・ハナ・マリアが出題、新クイズも登場!), aired on Sunday in Japan.

A new background was featured during the intro segment when the announcer introduced what was on the show. It featured the logos of the 14th Pocket Monsters movies. He started the show by saying: "Hey! Hey! Wake up! We'll get you! The Pokémon Entertainment Show! Pokémon Smash! It's time to kick off!". Golgo, Red, Shoko and the International Division girls then showed up to notice Baba and Akiyama working on a large box based on ideas from the Pokémon Quiz Caravan. Baba introduced it as the Yamamoto Black/White Quiz (山本ブラック・ホワイトクイズ) which would be explained later in the show.

Baba introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, You're the best the way you are! (そのままの自分が一番!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was Kireihana VS Rafflesia! Peace of the Meadows! (キレイハナVSラフレシア!そうげんのへいわ!) from the original series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

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After the Pokémon Library episode, the Yamamoto Black/White Quiz (山本ブラック・ホワイトクイズ) was introduced. It is similar to the Pokémon Quiz Caravan Black/White Quiz where each participant is given a paddle with white on one side and black on the other. The paddle is used to answer the question white (true) / black (false). The following questions were asked:
# Question Answer
1 Can Yamamoto chug a carbonated juice drink?(山本隊員は炭酸ジュースを一気にのめる)
(O) True
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2 Even if Yamamoto feet are put in ice water, he won't have a reaction. (山本隊員は足を氷水につけてもリアクションをしない)
(O) True.
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3 Yamamoto can say a clever pun within 5 seconds of being passed an object(山本隊員にモノをわたすと5秒でうまいダジャレを言える)
(X) False.
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After the Yamamoto Black/White Quiz, the Expanded Pokémon Quiz Caravan was introduced. For this episode they visited Tsunobuchi Childrens' Club, Tamamura, Sawa District, Gunma Prefecture (群馬県佐波郡玉村町角渕子供角). The first segment of the quiz was the 'Black/White Quiz' (ブラックホワイトクイズ). The kids were separated into two teams and each person was given a paddle with black on one side and white on the other. When questions were asked, they would raise the paddle they thought was the answer. The team that won would receive 10 points.

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# Question Answer
1 Movie - The pre-order ticket Victini knows these moves: V-create Flare Blitz Fusion Bolt Fusion Flare (前売券で手に入るビクティニがおぼえているわざはVジェネレート フレアドライブ クロスサンダー クロスフレイム)
(X) False
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2 Game - Are their 9 Battle Subway types in Raimon City? (ライモンシティにあるバトルサブウェイの電車の数は9本である)
(X) No, there are 8.
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3 Pokémon Smash - Did Professor Red sniff poop in an attempt to increase his luck? (レッド博士は運を上げるためにウンチのにおいをかいだことがある)
4 Anime - Is Dent a Science Sommelier?(デントはサイエンスソムリエでもある)
(O) Yes.
Spoiler: Click to show!
5 Pokémon Smash - Yamamoto has eaten squid ink more than 4 times (山本隊員はイカスミを4回以上たべている)
(O) Yes.
Spoiler: Click to show!
6 Anime - Bel was the one to get Emonga (エモンガをゲットしたのはベルである)
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7 Anime - B-Class Pokémon Sommelier's or higher have the proper qualifications to diagnose (ポケモンソムリエの相情診断にはBクラス以上の資格が必要である)
(X) No. A-Class or higher
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Team Reshiram ended up winning the Black/White quiz and a new caravan segment was then introduced. The Black/White Tug of War Quiz (ブラックホワイトつなひきクイズ). The two teams would start off by having a tug of war contest. The team that won was then given a question to answer. There are nine questions in total ranging from 10-30 points. Members of the International Division would ask the questions by poking their head out of the hole.

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Team Reshiram ended up winning the Tug of War Quiz with 80 points while Team Zekrom got 40 points. During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, a clip was shown to promote the upcoming Don Battle arc in Pocket Monsters Best Wishes. Voice actor Tomohiro Waki (脇知弘) was featured as he plays the reoccurring character Kenyan (ケニヤン). Pictures from the trailer have been added to our imageboard.

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Another new segment debuted for the Pokémon Quiz Caravan after the Tweet Corner. The Pokémon Cosplay Gesture Quiz(なりきりポケモンジェスチャークイズ) featured the International Division girls dressing up as Pokémon and then playing Charades. Team Zekrom ended up winning and received 70 points while Team Reshiram got 50 points.

The next portion of the quiz was the Victini's V-Generate Find the Mistake Obstacle Course Quiz (ビクティニのVジェネレート障害物まちがいさがしクイズ). Participants would wear a helmet with a V shaped container that had balls in them. They would have to go through the obstacle course while trying not to drop the balls. The first part of the obstacle course was a balance beam they had to walk across, the second part was going through hula hoops, the third part was finding a candy ball in a flour pan, the forth part was popping a ballon, the fifth part was trying to pick up a ball and the final part was group skipping. For each ball that they had left at the end of the obstacle course, the team would get 1 second on the clock.

The final part of the quiz was the 'Find the Mistake' part. Team Zekrom got 9 seconds to spot the differences while Team Reshiram got 24 seconds. Team Reshiram found 7 differences while Team Zekrom found 6 differences. Team Reshiram ended up winning the Caravan Quiz with 210 points while Team Zekrom ended up with 170 points. 2100 points and 1700 points were added to the running score which as of the airing of this episode was: Team Zekrom 87,590 points and Team Reshiram 87,530 points.

Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW)

As a reminder for the CD of Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which was released on June 22nd, 2011, they filmed various kids singing the song for the ending.

Pokémon Smash Calendar Wallpaper - July 2011

The final Pokémon Smash Calendar Wallpaper was posted for July 2011. It features the poster from the 14th movies.

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Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.