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14 Nov 2010 11:56 AM
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Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 7, Startled by Ringuma!! / The International Division's Card Battle with Robert of the Adventure Division! / A Battle in Pokémon BW Between Beginner Misaki and Group Member Akiyama! (リングマでドッキリ!! / インターナショナル部がアドベンチャー部・ロバートとカードバトル / ポケモンBWで初心者のミサキと秋山隊員がバトル!), aired today in Japan.

The episode starts with TIM and Robert and Shoko-tan all playing Pokémon Black and White to train their Pokémon. Golgo asks Akiyama how he's doing and goes over to look at his 'Nintendo DS' which he finds out is actually not a real Nintendo DS but a lunch box with Akiyama's lunch. Golgo gets mad at him but Akiyama just starts to eat his rice.

Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode is part of the Pokémon Library and Akiyama begins to announce this weeks theme with his mouth full but the group makes him stop eating so he can properly announce it. This weeks theme which is "When you join rival in a pinch" (ライバルでピンチ時は仲間になる). This weeks rerun episode was Startled by Ringuma!! (リングマでドッキリ!!) from the original series. Reluctantly, Professor Red and Shoko-tan then do the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" call that imitates the Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo. 

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The International Group girls show up after the rerun episode just as Professor Red comes out the side entrance with his latest invention, the "RED059 First Trick Set for Girls" (いたずらはじめてセット for ガール). The name obviously was based on the fact that the latest Pokémon Card Game BW set has one just for girls. The first part of the invention consists of a long cylinder and a handle with a breathing apparatus at the end. Hana and Maria tried it out and took a deep breath. It made their voices sound like they were on helium. The next part of the set included a disguise nose, glasses and scalp. Everyone got a good laugh out of the set.

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The International Group and Adventure Group went off to meet up with Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) who once again will be their teacher for this segment of the show. He introduced the newly released Pokémon BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits which were released in Japan on October 29th, 2010. He tells them that they will be using these sets for their battle.

Hana, Misaki, and Yamamoto were on one team and Maria, Baba, and Akiyama were on the other team. Hana and Maria would be the ones that actually did the battle while their teammates would help out. Hana got Mijumaru as her basic starter with a bunch of Water Energy while Maria got Pokabu and a bunch of fire Energy. Hana and Maria both sorted their cards, shook hands, bowed and the battle begin. Hana picked up 7 cards and an easy way to remember how many cards that a player should pick it was used. Pokemon kaddo (ポケモンカード) has 7 syllables, the same number of cards that a player needs to pick up. Maria and Hana play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors (最初はぐうじゃんけんぽん) and Maria wins with paper and she will start the match.

Maria sent out Yanappu (ヤナップ) (004/037 HS) and the card was dangled around Baba's neck and Hana sent out Fushide (フシデ) (021/037 HS) controlled by Misaki. Akiyama held Pokabu (ポカブ) (006/037 HS) and was assigned to Maria's bench while Yamamoto held Mijumaru (ミジュマル) (011/037 HS) and was assigned to Hana's bench.

Maria drew a Lightning energy card and assigned a Fire energy card to Yanappu. She used Yanappu's Collect (もってくる) which requires 1 colorless energy to use and Baba drew a Fire Energy card and was put into her hand. Maria's turn was over and Hana drew a Psychic energy card. She assigned the energy card to Fushide and used Ram (ぶつかる). Misaki put on some Football shoulder protection and then hit Yanappu Baba. Baba fell to the ground and his card was assigned a 10 points of damage. With Hana's turn over, Maria drew a Lightning energy card, assigned a fire energy to her benched Pokabu and then used Yanappu's Collect again hoping that Akiyama's strategy of getting a Chaoboo (チャオブー) card so they could evolve to a Enbuoh (エンブオー) which they already had on their would work and it did as Baba drew the Chaoboo (007/037 HS) card.

Hana drew a Water energy card, evolved Yamamoto Mijumaru into Futachimaru (フタチマル) (012/037 HS) and assigned another Psychic energy card to Fushide. Hana tells Misaki Fushide to use Ram again but this time she make Baba hold a piece of wood as she karate kicks it in half dealing Yanappu Baba another 10 damage lowering his hit points to 50/70HP. Hana's turn was over and Maria drew a Fire Energy card. She withdrew Yanappu Baba from battle, removing the Fire energy card and discarding it as its retreat cost was 1 energy. She then sent out Akiyama Pokabu into battle from her bench and evolved Pokabu into Chaoboo (チャオブー) (007/037 HS) and assigned a Lightning energy to it. She then instructed Akiyama Chaoboo to use Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ) and Akiyama moved his hands around pretending his was charging up an attack until Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) told him that Nitro Charge wasn't an attack damaging move and he was supposed to search the deck for Fire Energy and attach it to Chaoboo. Akiyama quickly picks up the card and attaches it to him.

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Hana drew Daikenki (ダイケンキ) (013/037 HS). She switch Misaki Fushide with Yamamoto Futachimaru and then evolved it into Daikenki (ダイケンキ) and assigned a Water Energy to it. That ended her turn as she didn't have enough assigned energy to do anything else. Maria picked up the last card from her deck which was another Chaoboo. She then evolved Akiyama Chaoboo into Enbuoh (エンブオー) (008/037 HS) and assigned a Fire Energy card to it. Maria then told Akiyama Enbuoh to use Flare Blitz (フレアドライブ) which can do a maximum damage of 150. A steaming hot towel was brought onto the battle field and they tossed it on Yamamoto Daikenki. He quickly tried to get the towel off him as it was very hot. Yamamoto Daikenki only had 140HP so the Flare Blitz attack was enough to knock him out. Maria's team ended up winning the battle.

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During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, it was announced that the first Battrio 0 championship will be held in Taiwan in the spring of 2011 (インターナショナルマッチ in 台湾). The first set for Japanese Battrio players is participate in local events so they can quality. Mumage Cup (ムウマージカップ) and Juptile Cup (ジュプトルカップ) are being held and two special pucks are available.

Akiyama and Misaki battled against each other in Pokémon Black and White 2-on-2 battle with level 50 adjusted Pokémon. Misaki sent out Dageki (ダゲキ) and Dokkorar (ドッコラー) while Akiyama sent out Yorterry (ヨーテリー) and Choroneko (チョロネコ). Misaki started off the battle by using Dageki's (ダゲキ) Double Kick (にどげり) which K.O.'d Akiyama's Choroneko (チョロネコ). Akiyama fought back with Yorterry's (ヨーテリー) Tackle (たいあたり) and did about 1/4 damage to Misaki's Dokkorar (ドッコラー). Misaki's Dokkorar (ドッコラー) used Wake-Up Slap (めざましビンタ) on Yorterry's (ヨーテリー) which was enough to K.O. it. Akiyama then sent out Pokabu (ポカブ) and Minezumi (ミネズミ). Misaki's Dageki (ダゲキ) used Karate Chop (からてチョップ) on Minezumi (ミネズミ) which was enough to K.O. it. Misaki's Dageki (ダゲキ) then finished off the battle by using the 5th Generation attack Low Kick (ローキック). After the battle was over Baba wanted to see the original levels of Akiyama's Pokémon. All of them were quite low leveled.

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