In 2005 & 2006, there was 6 Gotta Catch 'em All Japanese Event where a bunch of Pokemon were distributed at the Japanese Pokémon Centers (フクオカ / オ-サカ / ナゴヤ / サッポロ / トウキョ- / ヨコハマ). These Pokemon have become quite rare and full information on these Pokemon is hard to come by. Unfortunately all the people that I have contacted about getting some information about them have been very uncooperative and unwilling to share even information regarding these events.
If anyone has any Pokemon from these 6 events and can provide .pkm files it would be greatly appreciated. These files would be used for research purposes only so the correct data can be extracted from them for an event database we are working on.
The information would be useful to the Pokemon Community for archival and accuracy of older GBA events. We aren't really interested in the .pkm files themselves but more the information that they contain like the original attacks that came with the event Pokemon.
Last edited 30 Oct 2010 06:37 PM by