Pokémon Smash Episode 4,
Happinas' Happy Nurse! / The New Plan to Teach the New Members About Pokémon, the 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' Meeting / Releasing 22 New Pokémon at Once / News on the Battle Subway! (ハピナスのハッピーナース! / 新メンバーにポケモンを教える新企画「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」開催 / 新ポケモン22匹一挙大放出 / バトルサブウェイの情報も!), aired today in Japan.
The narrator started off the show by calling it a 'Pokémon Entertainment Show!' as it transitioned to Yamamoto standing in the middle of the set playing an Ocarina. A clip from
Pokémon Sunday episode #81 is shown and in that episode Golgo juggled some buckets and was able to kick one from his foot and catch it with another one that was attached to his head. He tried to do the same trick again but wasn't able to do it this time after trying multiple times.
Shoko-tan introduced the theme for this weeks episode which was 'The Beauty of Friendship' (友情のすばらしさ) and the episode is part of the Pokémon Library (ポケモンライブラリー). This weeks episode,
Happinas' Happy Nurse! is from the
original series.
A full summary of this episode is available in the episode guide.
After the rerun,
President Choi Hong-Man shows up in a happy mood and says 'PokéMorning!' to everyone. Golgo comes over to greet him and they shake hands. Golgo quickly realizes how strong he is as his hand is almost crushed during the handshake. The crew gives him a bunch of apples and he is easily able to crush with his bare hands. They are all impressed with his strength.
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Golgo and Red head off to present the Pokémon Quiz Caravan (ポケモンクイズキャラバン) with the International Group at the Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Elementary School (神奈川県 相模原市立 内郷小学校). There they met 32 grade four students and Zoroark. The students show Red and Golgo the outdoor sumo wrestling ring and preform a demonstration.
Golgo states that this quiz would be based on Pokémon Black and White. The first batch of questions would be answered in a Yes (O) or No (X) format and the teams would all have to decide which was the right answer and stand on the appropriate side of the line if they didn't want to get eliminated from the quiz. Kibago Team ended up winning as they were the only team to answer all 6 questions correctly.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Is the title of the new animated series that started this fall called Pokémon Black and White? (この秋スタートしたアニメ新シリーズのタイトルは「ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト」である)? |
2 |
Is Zekrom drawn on the packaging of Pokémon Black? (ポケットモンスター ブラックパッケージに描かれているのゼクロムである) |
3 |
Card Game Rules - Should you give thanks and forfeit before starting a battle? (カードゲームルール - バトルを始める前にするにとは礼である) |
(X) No - Handshake before the battle (バトルの前に必ずするのは握手) Spoiler: Click to show! |
4 |
Is Kumasyun the 'Cold Catching Pokémon'? (クマシュンは「かぜひきポケモン」である) |
(X) No - Kumasyun is the Freezing Pokémon. ( クマシュンは「ひょうけつポケモン」) Spoiler: Click to show! |
5 |
Is Dent's Pokémon partner Hiyappu? (デントのパートナーポケモンはヒヤップである) |
(X) No - Dent's Pokémon partner is Yanappu ( デントのパートナーポケモンはヤナップ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
6 |
Does the first Pokémon Card Game BW set have a set for girls? (ポケモンカードゲームBWはじめてセットには女の子用のセットがある) |
(O) Yes Spoiler: Click to show! |
Golgo made the International team apologize since they got eliminated at question 4 even though the week before Director Masuda was in studio talking about the
Kumasyun Pokémon Smash event.
A Pokémon Card Game News segment was shown just after the commercial break and it showed some of the new cards from the latest
Pokémon BW Collection Sheet sets.
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The next segment featured a '4 Legged Quiz' (3人4脚ばらまきクイズ) where teams of 3 had their legs tied up and they were sent out to find a specific Pokémon card based on type or information that was called out. Players would have to know the correct Pokémon types for the cards that were distributed throughout the school grounds and then return back to Red.
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The next quiz was called the Rotation Quiz (ローテーションクイズ) which was loosely based off the idea from the new feature in Pokémon Black and White that allows players to rotate their Pokémon's position around during triple battles. Each team was broken up into 3 people and each of them wore a hat with either
Tsutarja (ツタージャ),
Pokabu (ポカブ) or
Mijumaru (ミジュマル) on it. A wheel with the corresponding Pokémon was in front of them and Golgo would spin it to determine which team member was required to answer the question. A team could buzz in if a member knew the answer but the team member than knew the answer might not be chosen to actually answer it.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Where does Pocket Monsters Best Wishes take place? (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ物語の舞台は?) |
The Isshu region (イッシュ地方) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
How many Pokémon can a player have in their party? (手持ちにできるポケモンは何びきまで?) |
6 members (6ぴき) Spoiler: Click to show! |
3 |
What kind of energy is this? (これは何エネルギー?) |
4 |
Who is Iris's Pokémon partner? (アイリスのパートナーポケモンは?) |
5 |
Minezumi is the Lookout Pokémon, what kind of Pokémon is Miruhog? (ミネズミは「みはりポケモン」でつがミルホッグはなにポケモン?) |
Precaution Pokémon (けいかいポケモン) Spoiler: Click to show! |
6 |
What is the name of Rocket Gang's boss? (ロケット団のボスの名前は?) |
7 |
What is the name of the ticket that is required to get Victini? (ビクティニを手に入れるために必要なチケットの名前は?) |
Liberty Ticket (リバティチケット) Spoiler: Click to show! |
During the marketing department segment, Mijumari showed some of the upcoming cards from the BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits which will be released in Japan on October 29th, 2010. The segment specifically showcased the
Shimama (シママ) 005/009 card from the
CS1 Pokémon BW Collection Sheet set and how it can evolve into a
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) when the new card in the
Pokémon Card Game BW Boy and Girl Starter Kits (018/037) is released.
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Shoko-tan and the announcer showcased 22 of the 5th generation Pokémon at the end of the show and gave brief details of each of them to get the audience more familiar with these new Pokémon.
Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
episode guide. You can also
comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the
episode guide.