Home / Forums / Live Action Series / Pokémon Sunday / PS 239: 「アゲハントとドクケイル!進化の果てに!」「ポケサンオリジナルカードバトル」「ポケモ...
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16 May 2009 08:03 PM
Sunain Administrator
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In today's episode of Pokemon Sunday, Robert have another Large Card Pokemon Battle in a park. Like the previous game, all the attacks were acted out and hit points were assigned via balloons on their head. Baba defeated Akiyama in the first round, while Yamamoto defeated Akiyama in the second round.

Sableye's short segment, showed him in a jewelry store. The salesperson attempted to stop Sableye from touching the jewelry. What will happen next week?!
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17 May 2009 03:00 AM
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