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03 Nov 2008 04:37 PM
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Holy Cow, from the preview alone this honestly looks like the best animated episode in a long long while.

I can't remember the last time we had a close-ranged battle like this, since most battles are usually full of screen cuts and stock footage/
03 Nov 2008 05:05 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Indeed, the preview looks quite good. The last few weeks have had horrible animation, looks like that's going to change in this episode.
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06 Nov 2008 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Barry's Busting Out All Over!/ライバルトレーナー・ジュン登場!/Rival Trainer Jun tōjō!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
06 Nov 2008 06:00 AM
eviltrainer Administrator
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Well, just watched the episode. Can't say too much about the animation, because I was streaming it. But the character design isn't so good. The battles are good, though...
I'm looking forward to watch this ep in HQ and DP102 as well. The animation/character design will be awsome on this! I'm sure of it.
06 Nov 2008 11:00 PM
eviltrainer Administrator
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Talking about Jun, I think the anime producers have succesfully recreatead his arrogance from the game. I mean, he is a total jerk in the game and he has proven to be the same in the anime series... at least he has an Empert. It means he will not be hated by me. =)
06 Nov 2008 11:49 PM
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i really enjoyed this episode becuase i like how they designed the character Jun. I'm really surprised that he supports the way Paul trains his Pokemon I thought he would be more of a loving trainer which he is but supporting Paul, thats something i didn't expect and yes this was a great episode one of my favorites too!
07 Nov 2008 01:14 AM
Polifem Administrator
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This episode was really good in almost every way. I just loved Jun and his personality, hope that he'll be a recurring rival for Satoshi (well, it seems so anyway). Can't wait for the Iwane-animated gym battle!
08 Nov 2008 07:35 AM
_melee_ Administrator
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I kind of got the impression that Jun doesn't really know what Paul's really like. He only mentioned having seen him in the tag battle tournament thing, not that he's met him personally - so he probably doesn't know how he treats his pokemon, and just thinks he's a great trainer from the fact that he's a strong battler.

Either way, I totally loved Jun in this episode. I was kind of worried that they wouldn't portray him as cool as he is in the games (he was always my favourite of the rivals!), but I think they made him even better. They really brought to life his impatient, hyperactive personality from the games. Loved the way he kept counting down for people to do stuff, and of course the way he kept crashing into Ash just like in the games. =) I also hope he becomes a recurring rival - to be honest I have to wonder why it took the writers this long to introduce him, because he always seemed so fitting as a fun character who'd really suit the anime, and be a nice change of pace from Paul (don't get me wrong, I think Paul is a great rival character too).

I have to agree with Habunake that the animation was really great in this episode too, especially in the battle between Jun and Ash. It was fast-paced and full of action, yet they still got in so much detail in the pokemon and their moves. Very cool.
08 Nov 2008 02:09 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Okay, I've only got 10 seconds to write this review. I really enjoyed this episode. They adapted Jun's character very well in the anime. He was abrasive, energetic, rude and a completely original character design. Nine!

The animation was significantly better this week, as the previous two weeks have been quite awful. The BGM was also quite unique in this episode, and I found it hard to recognize many of the tracks, but they seemed to fit quite well with the overall tone of the episode. Eight!

It was nice to see that they followed up with Kojiro's Sabonea and that it's being used in gym battles. It shows that Rocket Gang can actually train decent Pokemon. Seven!

It looks like Jun might be going to the Sinnoh League, so with all these reoccurring characters, it should make for an amazing Sinnoh League.
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08 Nov 2008 06:39 PM
Tsubami Administrator
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lol nain.This ep was certainly a nice one, mucho credito to Izumi Shimura and her skills animating battles. She just needs to work a bit more on her drawing skills and it'll be awesome. Ahem... all other positive things about this ep has already been said so I don't have anything to add >_> And give me Sinnoh league now... I can hardly wait for it.. Jun, Shinji and possibly some random nice trainer a'la Kaede. It'll be zugoiiiiiiiiiiiii!