Title: Corocoro reveals New Pokémon - 13th Movie Title Revealed
The latest issue of Corocoro has announced two new Pokémon. This brings the current total number of Pokémon to 495. The first Pokémon, Zorua (ゾロア), is the Evil Fox Pokémon, it is a Dark-type Pokémon and it is 0.7m tall and 12.5kg.
The second announced Pokémon is the revealed silhouette that Jun'ichi Masuda showed on
last weeks episode of Pokémon Sunday. The Pokémon is called Zoroark (ゾロアーク), it the Monster Fox Pokémon, it is a Dark-type Pokémon and it is 1.6m tall and 81.1kg. Zorua (ゾロア) evovles into Zoroark (ゾロアーク).
The full title for the thirteenth Pocket Monsters movie was also announced.
The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク) will premiere in Japanese theaters on July 10th, 2010.