Title: Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life - Airs in Australia, F...
Cartoon Network Australia will be airing the English dub of the latest Pocket Monsters movie, Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life this week. According the the
schedule posted on the official website, it will air Friday November 6th at 6pm and Saturday November 7th at 10am local time.
A new website was launched on Monday November 2nd 2009.
Pokemonarceus.com features: the trailer, the storyline, the legacy, the characters and downloads.
The movie will air on Cartoon Network in the United States on Friday, November 20th. An English DVD is scheduled for release in the spring according to the website.
It has now also been confirmed that
the Amazon.fr posting is indeed correct and 'Pokémon Arceus et le joyau de vie' will be available on DVD in France December 11th, 2009. This
DVD release marks the first time that a dub version of any Pokémon movie has been available on DVD outside of Japan before its
domestic DVD release. The
Japanese DVD release of the 12th Pokémon movie is scheduled for release on December 18th, 2009, the week after the French DVD release.
French DVD has been added to the
database. There you can find information about Pokémon DVD's from around the world.
Animeland &