Title: Released: #PocketMonsters Custom mIRC UPP Client

#PocketMonsters has released a customized and preconfigured version of UPP containing the latest version of mIRC (6.21) and automatic channel joining to make it very easy for new and old users to chat, download and serve on #PocketMonsters. It also includes scripts like GTSdll which are very popular in the chatting community to display relevant information.
UPP (Ultra Protection Project) is an advanced script for mIRC created by KyD. It contains countless useful features, including a file server with firewall support, fail queue support, multiple channel protections, theme support, and much much more. UPP and mIRC is for the Windows Operating system. Visit our forums for clients that work on other operating systems.
UPP Specific Tutorials:
How to ServeHow to LeechJust download the file, double click to extract the files and double click on mirc_upp.exe and you'll be on your way to #PocketMonsters. You can also right click on mirc_upp.exe, send to, desktop (create shortcut) to make it easy for you to return often. There are people on #PocketMonsters 24 hours a day chatting and sharing Pokemon related media and are willing to help you out with any problems you might have.
Download the #PocketMonsters UPP client: Click Here