Title: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl combine for 5 million units sold i...

After more than 10 years as one of the most popular entertainment franchises in the world, Pokemon® video games are once again shattering sales records. Just three months after launching on Sept. 28, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl shipped a record-breaking 5 million units to retailers in Japan, making them the fastest selling Pokemon games ever. More than 155 million copies of the Pokemon series have been sold around the world through September 2006
With a number of exciting new features, including powerful moves and the exotic "Sinnoh" region setting, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl offer new and experienced fans thrilling new Pokemon adventures. Fans can get an early start on their Pokemon collection in the games with the introduction of a new character in the series, the mysterious Manaphy. A Water-type Pokemon, Manaphy has the power to swap healing effects with other Pokemon through its "Heart Swap" move.
To harness the power of Manaphy and its "Heart Swap" move, players must first capture the Manaphy egg hidden within Pokemon Ranger by beating the story mode of the game and entering the exclusive "Manaphy Egg Code." Manaphy can then "hatch" in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl via a unique transfer.
Announced on Jan. 20, the "Manaphy Egg Code" can be found on the Manaphy Web site at www.Manaphy.com. Savvy Pokemon fans should check in often for new information on this mysterious character, as well as fun downloads and game tips. In addition, fans can learn more about Manaphy through its film debut as the star of Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, to be released on DVD in the spring.
Pokemon Ranger is rated E for Everyone and is available at retail stores nationwide. Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl are rated E for Everyone and will debut in the United States on April 22.
Nintendo Press