Title: Pokémon Masters EX - Master Sync Pair 5★ Brendan Champion & ...
The Brendan Master Fair Scout is now live! 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon debut! You can get items as presents based on how many times you use the ×11 scout! If you use this paid-gems-only scout, you’ll get a Strike Roll Cake the first time you team up with 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon!
A new guest has arrived! You can invite Brendan to the Trainer Lodge after you team up with 5★ Brendan & Treecko! The Lodge Exchange has also been updated, so you can get exclusive presents for Brendan—plus other useful items!
Special Co-op Event: Sky, Sea, and Land Challenge is now live! Take on Hoenn’s legends in a co-op battle! You can get 5★ Power-Ups and up to four of each role’s move candy coin in this event item exchange! This event only features co-op battles.
Updates to the Trainer Lodge
The following updates were made to the Trainer Lodge.
Update Details
- You can now invite Brendan to the Trainer Lodge.
Note: You can invite Brendan once you have teamed up with 5★ Brendan & Treecko.
- The Lodge Exchange lineup has been updated.
- Changed the background of the Trainer Lodge.
- Paldea Style was added to the Redecorate menu of the Lodge Exchange.
- To use the Trainer Lodge, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- The content is subject to change without notice.
Brendan Master Fair Scout
You can team up with a Master Fair–exclusive Master Sync Pair in the Sync Pair Scout under way now! Master Sync Pair 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon are being featured in this limited-time Master Fair Scout! Plus, the Brendan Master Fair Scout and the Special Present! Brendan Master Fair Scout are under way at the same time! The Master Fair is a special sync pair scout in which 5★ sync pairs have a 12% chance of appearing! Also, 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon can use the new EX weather condition EX sunny to power up their Fire-type attacks even further.
Note: Check the Tips section for more information.
Master Sync Pairs
Master Sync Pairs are Master Fair–exclusive Sync Pairs. In addition to regular Passive Skills, they will have a Master Passive Skill that strengthens your whole team.
The featured Sync Pairs will be released with the ability to be raised to 6★ EX and an EX Role available to unlock.
Note: You can use certain items to upgrade Sync Pairs that have the ability to be raised to 6★ EX.
Note: You can use certain items to unlock the EX Role for Sync Pairs that have one.
Note: The outfit with different colors depicted above can be used once the sync pair has been raised to 6★ EX.
Raising 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon to 6★ EX will add a song to the Jukebox. You can team up with this Master Fair–exclusive Sync Pair!
March 1, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. - April 8, 2025 at 9:59 p.m.
Brendan Master Fair Scout
You can receive items as presents according to the number of times you use the Sync Pair Scout ×11!
Note: You can view the Present Details by tapping the Present! icon on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
Special Present! Brendan Master Fair Scout
The Special Present! Brendan Master Fair Scout is a special Sync Pair Scout that can only be used with Paid Gems. You can receive items as presents according to the number of times you use the Sync Pair Scout ×11! Plus, you will get an item as a present when you team up with 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon in this Sync Pair Scout!
Note: The item will be sent to the Temp Storage tab of the Present Box when you team up with the Sync Pair.
Note: You can view the Present Details by tapping the Present! icon or Present Details icon on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
About Brendan (Champion)’s Gym Emote
The Gems with Gym Emotes offer, which allows you to obtain Brendan (Champion)’s Gym Emote as a present, is now on sale!
Note: Once the period for the featured bundle ends, it will be added to the daily lineup.
Note: The Gems with Gym Emotes can be purchased under With Emotes in the Purchase Gems menu of the Shop.
Featured Bundle Date/Time
March 1, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. - April 8, 2025 at 9:59 p.m.
- 5★ Brendan (Champion) & Groudon are a Master Fair–exclusive Sync Pair.
- Master Fair–exclusive Master Sync Pairs are Sync Pairs that only appear in Master Fair Scouts.
- There is a possibility that these Master Fair–exclusive Sync Pairs will appear outside of this Master Fair in the future as well.
- Sync Pairs other than the ones mentioned above may appear in the Master Fair as well.
- Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs.
- To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
- Please read the Notes tab under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
- The present that comes with the Sync Pair Scout ×11 cannot be obtained from the 6th Sync Pair Scout ×11 onwards.
- Presents will be sent to your Present Box.
- The number of times the daily discount (100 paid Gems per scout) can be used is reset each day. Reset Time: 10:00 p.m.
- The Special Present! Brendan Master Fair Scout requires Paid Gems.
- To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- To upgrade to 6★ EX, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- To unlock the EX Role, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Special Co-op Event Sky, Sea, and Land Challenge
Special Co-op Event Sky, Sea, and Land Challenge under way! A co-op battle Special Co-op Event is under way!
Note: This event is exclusive to co-op battles.
Take on Hoenn’s legends in a co-op battle! You can collect Proofs of Victory to get amazing rewards!
March 1, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. - March 8, 2025 at 9:59 p.m.
About This Event
Collect Proofs of Victory as part of this event and use them to obtain rewards from the Exchange Items menu. You can acquire up to 4 Move Candy Coins of each role in the Exchange Items menu, so be sure to give it your all during the event period!
About Limited-Time Gym Missions
In conjunction with this event, limited-time Gym Missions are available in Trainer Gyms. Gym Missions include solo missions and group missions, so take on the solo missions by yourself while also working together with your fellow gym members to complete the group missions! Please see Missions under Gym for more details.
- To participate, you must have completed Main Story Interlude 1: Let the Tournament Begin! in single-player.
- You cannot take on this event area with 3 teams comprised of only your own Sync Pairs.
- The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
- When the exchange period ends, the following items obtained in this event will be converted into coins (10 coins each) and sent to your Present Box.
Applicable Items:
- All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
- When you leave a Trainer Gym, your solo mission progress will carry over to your next Trainer Gym, but your individual group mission progress will not.
- The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Last edited 03 Mar 2025 07:27 PM by