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06 Feb 2025 11:27 AM
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The Pokémon Company announced on February 6th, 2025, a new animated feature called Kairyu and the Mailman (カイリューとゆうびんやさん) which will be released on the official Pokémon YouTube channel on Thursday, February 27th, 2025. Pictures from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.

Pokémon Day 2025 commemorative animation Kairyu and the Mailman will be released on the official Pokémon YouTube channel on Thursday, February 27th, 2025!


The key visual has been revealed for the first time! In addition, the theme song will be Paper Airplane by suis from Yorushika!

The Pokémon Company has teamed up with the animation studio CoMix Wave Films, which has worked on such features as Your Name, Weathering with You, and Sparrow's Door Closure, to produce the Pokémon Day 2025 commemorative animation Kairyu and the Mailman, with the theme of "a memorable day." It will be released on the official Pokémon YouTube channel at midnight on Thursday, February 27th 2025, which is Pokémon's anniversary.

In this special animation, Hana, a young girl who admires the mailman Kairyu, finds a letter with no address and embarks on an adventure with Pokémon to find the sender. The film also depicts many eye-catching scenes, such as Pokémon working with humans at the post office, Pokémon living in the wild, and Pokémon living as partners with humans. Anticipation is also building for the scene where Kairyu flies through a beautiful world. Please pay attention to the story of Pokémon and people, which is expressed with beautiful and detailed backgrounds, a prominent feature of CoMix Wave Films.

In addition, the theme song will be performed by suis from Yorushika, who is the lead vocals for the band Yorushika, and Evan Call adds excitement to the video as he wrote the music for NHK's Taiga drama The 13 Lords of the Shogun and the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.

Dazzling Production Team! The animation studio that produced the hit anime's Your Name and Sparrow's Door Closure

The production of Kairyu and the Mailman was handled by CoMix Wave Films. Their works include the animated films Your Name and Sparrow's Door Closure. The beautiful world of Pokémon, expressed with the beautiful backgrounds that only CoMix Wave Films can provide, is a must-see.

The film is directed by Taku Kimura (木村拓) (Studio Lemon), a young and promising director who was in charge of Tatooine Rhapsody, one of the episodes in Star Wars: Visions. He will portray the adventures of the Pokémon in a dynamic and lively manner, with an emphasis on creating a cinematic picture.

The Story of Kairyu and the Mailman

Hana, a girl from the Paldea region who admires Kairyu, a mailman, and aspires to be an ace mailman, is given a letter without an address one day, and suddenly has to run around looking for the sender. She runs around the city with her partner Fuecoco, and finally succeeds in finding the sender, a boy named Rio. When she hears the story, she learns that the letter was written by Rio to celebrate the birthday of his father, who is working alone in the Kanto region. However, that very day was his father's birthday...

Music distribution has been announced!

In addition, it has been decided that the theme song for Kairyu and the Mailman, Paper Airplane sung by suis from Yorushika, and the original soundtrack by Evan Call will be released for download at midnight on Thursday, February 27th, 2025.

image image

Album Details:
Original Anime Soundtrack Kairyu and the Mailman
Theme song to the Anime Kairyu and the Mailman Paper Airplane

suis from Yorushika:
She is the lead vocalist for the band Yorushika which started in 2017. Her clear voice and expressiveness that changes with the song has earned her high praise, and in addition to her work with Yorushika, she is also active as a solo artist, performing theme songs for movies and providing narration.

Comments from suis:
I love Pokémon, but I didn't know much about Kairyu... at the beginning. After hearing about the role, I watched the movie Pocket Monsters Mewtwo Strikes Back for the first time. It was a wonderful movie and brought tears to my eyes.
However, all I knew about Kairyu was that it takes a very strong run-up before flying, so there were many mysteries surrounding it...
Next, I watched episode 10 of the Pocket Monsters 2019 anime, The Kairyu Paradise and the Hakuryu Trial!, and learned why Kairyu is called Kairyu. Of course, the Kairyu in Kairyu and the mailman is not just a random Kairyu.
I had time to think carefully about what the sky was like before I sang the song (But at the time of recording, I just felt that Kairyu was cute. Pokémon are such lovely creatures...)

There were also moments when I was struggled with how I could express the beauty of Evan Call's music and Ameko Kodama's Japanese lyrics, but I was able to sing with all my heart because the two of them carefully explained their feelings about the song. I am still a very immature person, but I hope that part of me resonates through the song.

Evan Call's comments:
I have loved Pokémon since I was a child, collecting cards, enjoying the games, and watching the anime. I was really happy when I heard about this project and was surprised because I had just played Pokémon Scarlet last year and had previously watched the Pokémon anime.

When I was told the theme of this project, I felt that it naturally overlapped with the feel of my music, so I immediately started writing the music. The principles of "friendship and mutual help", which I feel is a major theme of Pokémon, is beautifully depicted in "Kairyu and the Mailman", and I feel it especially strongly with the theme song sung by suis. I put my heart into the music while being conscious of the dynamics of adventure, and I am forever proud to be a part of the work.

Pokémon Day2025 記念アニメーション『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』2月27日(木)よりポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルにて公開決定!

キービジュアルが初公開!更に、主題歌にはsuis from ヨルシカさんの「紙ひこうき」が決定!
株式会社ポケモン(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役社⻑:⽯原恒和)は、『君の名は。』『天気の子』『すずめの戸締まり』などの作品を手掛けたアニメーションスタジオ「コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム」とタッグを組み、「記念すべき日」をテーマとしたPokémon Day(ポケモンデー)2025 記念アニメーション『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』を制作いたしました。「ポケモン」の記念日「Pokémon Day」にあたる2月27日(木)0時(予定)よりポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルにて公開いたします。
さらに、音楽では「ヨルシカ」のボーカルを担当するsuis from ヨルシカさんと NHK大河ドラマ『鎌倉殿の13人』、アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』などの楽曲を担当した Evan Callさんが主題歌を担当、映像を盛り上げます。

また、監督には『スター・ウォーズ:ビジョンズ』の一篇 『タトゥイーン・ラプソディ』などを担当した若手のホープ・木村 拓さん(スタジオ・レモン)を抜擢。映画のような絵作りにこだわり、ポケモンたちの冒険をダイナミックかつ伸びやかに描きます。


また、この度、『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』の主題歌でありsuis from ヨルシカさんが歌唱される「紙ひこうき」と、Evan Callさんが手掛けるオリジナル・サウンドトラックが2月27日(木)0時(予定)よりそれぞれ楽曲配信されることが決定いたしました。

タイトル:アニメ『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』主題歌 「紙ひこうき」
収録曲:M1.紙ひこうき M2.紙ひこうき (English ver.)
アーティスト:suis from ヨルシカ×Evan Call
Apple Music の Pre-add、Spotify・YouTube MusicのPre-save: https://lnk.to/paper-airplane

タイトル: アニメ『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』オリジナル・サウンドトラック
収録曲:M1.Welcome to Paldea Post Office M2.Hana's First Step M3.Rio's Letter M4.The Winged Ace Takes Flight M5.To Kanto We Fly! M6.紙ひこうき (Instrumental ver.) M7.Happy Birthdays and Happy Memories M8.Special Delivery アーティスト: Evan Call
Apple Music の Pre-add、Spotify・YouTube MusicのPre-save: https://lnk.to/pokemon-ost

suis from ヨルシカ


お話をいただいたことをきっかけに、「劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲」を初めて鑑賞しました。とても素晴らしい映画で涙しました。

また、Evan Callさんの楽曲と児玉雨子さんの日本語詞の美しさを今の自分がどれだけ表現できるかと葛藤する瞬間もありましたが、お二人から丁寧に楽曲への想いを伝えていただけるタイミングもあり、改めて『自分なり』と向き合い、心を込めて歌うことができました。

Evan Call


<Evan Callさんコメント>
このお話をいただいた時は本当に嬉しく、ちょうど昨年『ポケットモンスター スカーレット』をプレイし、アニメ「ポケットモンスター」を見返していたタイミングだったので驚きました。



<コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム プロデューサー・濱﨑周平さんコメント>
「Pokémon Day(ポケモンデー)」の記念映像として、『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』を皆さんにお届けします!
■コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム公式WEBサイト https://www.cwfilms.jp/

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000723.000026665.html
Last edited 06 Feb 2025 07:17 PM by ForumBot