Title: Pokémon Sleep - Sleep Report: Good Sleep Day #12
The Pokémon Sleep report for the
12th Good Sleep Day Event has been announced and the average sleep duration of researchers around the world was 5 min. and 43 sec. shorter than average.
Sleep Report: Good Sleep Day #12
Our sleep tends to be shorter and shallower during the full moon. Just as this commonly accepted view may lead us to expect, we found that on the night of the full moon during this Good Sleep Day event, the average sleep duration of all you researchers around the world was 5 min. and 43 sec. shorter than average.
Let’s all do our best to sleep longer on the next night of the full moon!
The next Good Sleep Day event will be held from 8/19 to 8/21.
This Month’s Sleep Tips
Here’s this month’s sleep tip! We hope all you researchers find this useful for your daily sleep. Our Appetites Increase When We’re Sleep Deprived
Research results clearly show that our calorie intake increases when we’re sleep deprived.
We also burn more calories per day if we stay awake longer. But the increase in our calorie intake accounts for more than the extra we burn.
If we don’t get enough sleep, we start to crave sweet and fatty foods. This is likely because lack of sleep affects the part of our brains that regulates food preferences, but the specific mechanism is not yet fully understood.