Title: Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl - 56 & 57
Mikaruge's Keystone! is the 56th episode of Diamond & Pearl. It aired in Japan on November 29, 2007.
During a training session, Buoysel's SonicBoom accidentally destroys a stone tower. A Mikaruge appears from the debris and begins to attack the group, so they must begin the trial of re-sealing it.
Beadull Knows! is the 57th episode of Diamond & Pearl. It first aired in Japan on November 29th, 2007 as part of a one-hour special alongside DP056.
Before an under-construction stone bridge, Satoshi and his friends meet the Breeder Ishisu, who is having a quarrel with the designer of the bridge. They are having sort of a headache because the "employee"-- Beadull, who is supposed to do the quarrying, now doesn't work. Satoshi and friends offer to help with the quarrying work.
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