Title: Re-Ment - Pokémon Everyone Gathers! Forest Playground
The Re-Ment
Pokémon Everyone Gathers! Forest Playground (ポケットモンスター みんなあつまれ!森のアスレチック) collection will be released in Japan on December 25th, 2023. There are 6 different figures to collect for 1,100 yen each.
Figure List:
1. Pikachu
2. Togedemaru & Pamo
3. Pachirisu
4. Morpeko & Dedenne
5. Plusle & Minun
6. Emolga
Product Details:
Product Name: Pokémon Everyone Gathers! Forest Playground (ポケットモンスター みんなあつまれ!森のアスレチック)
Price: 1,110 yen each (1,000 without tax)
Release Date: December 25th, 2023