Title: Pokémon Center Pop-Up Store Registration System for North Am...
With more fans than ever attending Pokémon North America International Championships this year, the Pokémon Center Pop-Up Store now offers a reservation system to optimize the overall shopping experience.
Pokémon Center Pop-Up Store Registration System for North America Internationals
Reserve your spot to shop in Columbus. With huge crowds of Pokémon fans expected to attend the Pokémon North America International Championships, a reservation system for the on-site Pokémon Center Pop-Up Store has been added to ensure a positive experience for everyone who attends. Visitors can reserve a specific time to shop, resulting in shorter lines and less of a wait. Reservations are strongly recommended, and walk-up visitors will be admitted only as capacity allows. Reservations are limited, so be sure to get your spot.
As a reminder, the Pokémon Center Pop-Up Store will feature Internationals-exclusive products, as well as a selection of other items carried at PokemonCenter.com. The store is open to the general public, so you will not need a participant or spectator badge to shop.
The reservation system is now live.
Reserve your spot now.