Title: Pocket Monsters 2023 Anime - March 24th, 2023 - New Series T...
New information on the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting with a 1 hour special on April 14th, 2023, has been revealed.
In a newly released trailer, we can see Liko and Nyahoja's meeting and battle scenes, as well as our first look at how the mysterious pendant related to Liko shines. In addition, we learned the objective of Pokémon Professor Friede and Captain Pikachu's Rising Volt Tacklers, as well as the dream of Roy, the other protagonist holding a strange monster ball, and got to see Hogator in action for the first time.
We could also see the Duckling Pokémon Kuwassu standing next to the popular online streamer Gurumin, as well as a tense scene showing Amethyo's Explorers closing in on Liko's pendant.
The opening theme was also revealed for the first time: "Dokimeki Diary (asmi feat. Chinozo)" will be sung by asmi and produced by the unparalleled creator Chinozo, who's active in the online scene. This is a song that depicts Liko's adventurous spirit through pop music, made by a special unit created specifically for this show.
A comment from asmi:
When I think back to when I was in elementary school, when I had the anime, the video games and the plushies, yearning after a world filled with Pokémon, I can't think of a more gratifying future than the one I now have. Day by day, the slight anxiety I got when it was decided I would sing the theme song is gradually turning into confidence. And now, I'm convinced the only person that can sing this song is the person I am now, the one that can continue on, anxiety and all! It's a great pleasure to accompany you as we begin this new Pokémon anime story.
I sang this song with all my might so that it could give you a supportive push with a "Daijobu! Itterasshai!" whenever you get cold feet from here on. I want you all to believe in yourselves and enthusiastically set off on a journey, having a good sense of "Dokidoki" and "Tokimeki", words describing hearts pounding with excitement. May Dokimeki Diary forever resound in your ears!
A comment from Chinozo:
Hello. My name is Chinozo, and I'm the one who made the opening for the new Pokémon anime. Dokimeki Diary is a song that I filled, in my own way, with the utmost love for this series. I've loved Pokémon since I was little, and it still feels like a dream that they approached me about a theme song for it.
I really love each and every one of the Pokémon theme songs and can't put a number to how many lives they have saved. It's a true honor to get to work on a franchise I'm this emotionally attached to. Please enjoy the new Pokémon anime series!