Title: Pokémon GO - Let's GO to the Hills of Japan
The Pokémon Company will air a TV commercial starring actress Mitsuki Takahata (高畑充希) in the Fukiya district of Takahashi City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, as the second installment of the Let's GO to the Hills of Japan (日本の坂をGOしよう) campaign to convey the appeal and excitement of walking outside with the Pokémon GO location-based game for smartphones starting on Friday, January 20th, 2023. High resolution pictures from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.
The campaign aims to convey the joy of walking in the outside world by using Pokémon GO to focus on the appeal of hills, which everyone has experienced at least once in their life. The new commercial, which will air on January 20th, 2023, takes place in the Fukiya district, which has prospered since the Edo period as one of Japan's leading copper and bengara producers, and the entire area is dyed red from the red iron oxide. Bengara is a red pigment made from a byproduct of copper production, and is used in many traditional Japanese crafts and is called as Japan Red.
In addition, from January 20th, 2023 to July 19th, 2023, a 4-meter-high Real PokéStop will be set up at the former Fukiya Elementary School in Fukiya Furusato Village, and an event linked to the game will be held in which Pokémon appearing in the commercial will appear more often in Pokémon GO. The in-game mini event takes place from January 20th, 2023 at 10:00 to February 5th, 2023 at 20:00 JST.
Bengara-dyed curtains with Pokémon silhouettes and tapestries showing directions to the Real PokéStop will be displayed at various locations in Fukiya Furusato Village. Please look for Hikozaru, Yayakoma, Biriridama, Nyabby, Darumaka, and Lizardon in-game while you enjoy walking on the slopes of the village.