Title: Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest (Fall 2022: Hisuian Voltorb/His...
The Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest (Fall 2022: Hisuian Voltorb/Hisuian Growlithe/Hisuian Sneasel) will be available on November 18tj, 2022, in the Pokémon Center and where Pokémon TCG products are sold.
Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest (Fall 2022: Hisuian Voltorb/Hisuian Growlithe/Hisuian Sneasel)
Keep your Pokémon TCG treasures safe with a sturdy metal case featuring artwork of Origin Forme Dialga and Origin Forme Palkia. In addition to boasting exciting packaging, the Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest contains items collectors won't be able to find anywhere else. Add to your collection with booster packs, foil cards, and other delightful treasures.
The Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest includes:
- 5 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- 3 foil cards featuring Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Growlithe, and Hisuian Sneasel
- A cool Pokémon coin
- 4 colorful sticker sheets
- A mini portfolio to store your favorite cards
- A Pokémon notebook
- A code card usable in either the Pokémon TCG Online or Pokémon TCG Live