Home / Dex / Abilities / Sturdy
Ability Details

Sturdy Introduced in Generation 3


Language Name Used
Hong Kong Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 結實
Taiwan Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 结实
United States English Sturdy
France French Fermeté
Germany German Robustheit
Italy Italian Vigore
Japan Japanese がんじょう
South Korea Korean 옹골참
Spain Spanish Robustez


Species Thumbnail Geodude geodude
Species Thumbnail Graveler graveler
Species Thumbnail Golem golem
Species Thumbnail Magnemite magnemite
Species Thumbnail Magneton magneton
Species Thumbnail Onix onix
Species Thumbnail Sudowoodo sudowoodo
Species Thumbnail Pineco pineco
Species Thumbnail Forretress forretress
Species Thumbnail Steelix steelix
Species Thumbnail Shuckle shuckle
Species Thumbnail Skarmory skarmory
Species Thumbnail Donphan donphan
Species Thumbnail Nosepass nosepass
Species Thumbnail Aron aron
Species Thumbnail Lairon lairon
Species Thumbnail Aggron aggron
Species Thumbnail Relicanth relicanth
Species Thumbnail Regirock regirock
Species Thumbnail Shieldon shieldon
Species Thumbnail Bastiodon bastiodon
Species Thumbnail Bonsly bonsly
Species Thumbnail Magnezone magnezone
Species Thumbnail Probopass probopass
Species Thumbnail Roggenrola roggenrola
Species Thumbnail Boldore boldore
Species Thumbnail Gigalith gigalith
Species Thumbnail Sawk sawk
Species Thumbnail Dwebble dwebble
Species Thumbnail Crustle crustle
Species Thumbnail Tirtouga tirtouga
Species Thumbnail Carracosta carracosta
Species Thumbnail Tyrunt tyrunt
Species Thumbnail Carbink carbink
Species Thumbnail Bergmite bergmite
Species Thumbnail Avalugg avalugg
Species Thumbnail Togedemaru togedemaru
Species Thumbnail Cosmoem cosmoem
Species Thumbnail Geodude Alolan Geodude
Species Thumbnail Graveler Alolan Graveler
Species Thumbnail Golem Alolan Golem
Species Thumbnail Togedemaru togedemaru-totem

Flavor Text

Version Flavor
United States RS Negates 1-hit KO attacks.
United States E Negates 1-hit KO attacks.
United States FRLG Negates 1-hit KO attacks.
United States DP The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.
United States Pt The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.
United States HGSS It is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.
United States BW It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
France BW Protège des capacités mettant K.O. en un coup.
United States B2W2 It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
United States XY It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Japan XY いちげきで たおされない。
Germany XY Bietet Schutz gegen K.O.-Treffer.
France XY Protège des capacités mettant K.O. en un coup.
Spain XY Evita que el rival pueda debilitarle de un solo golpe.
Italy XY Evita che il Pokémon vada KO in un sol colpo.
South Korea XY 일격으로 쓰러지지 않는다.
XY 一撃で 倒されない。
United States ORAS It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Japan ORAS いちげきで たおされない。
Germany ORAS Bietet Schutz gegen K.O.-Treffer.
France ORAS Protège des capacités mettant K.O. en un coup.
Spain ORAS Evita que el rival pueda debilitarle de un solo golpe.
Italy ORAS Evita che il Pokémon vada KO in un sol colpo.
South Korea ORAS 일격으로 쓰러지지 않는다.
ORAS 一撃で 倒されない。
United States SM It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.
Japan SM あいての わざを うけても いちげきで たおされることが ない。 いちげきひっさつわざも きかない。
Germany SM Bietet Schutz gegen K.O.-Attacken. Bei vollen KP übersteht das Pokémon auch K.O.-Treffer.
France SM Le Pokémon encaisse toujours au moins une attaque s’il a tous ses PV. Il est également immunisé contre les capacités pouvant mettre K.O. en un coup.
Spain SM Evita que el rival pueda debilitarlo de un solo golpe cuando tiene los PS al máximo. También anula los movimientos fulminantes.
Italy SM Se il Pokémon ha tutti i PS, evita che vada KO in un sol colpo. Inoltre, è immune alle mosse che causano KO immediato.
Taiwan SM 即使受到对手的招式攻击, 也不会被一击打倒。 一击必杀的招式也没有效果。
South Korea SM 상대 기술을 받아도 일격으로 쓰러지지 않는다. 일격필살 기술도 효과 없다.
Hong Kong SM 受到對手的招式攻擊時 不會被一擊打倒。 一擊必殺的招式也沒有效果。
SM 相手の 技を 受けても 一撃で 倒されることが ない。 一撃必殺技も 効かない。