Home / Dex / Abilities / Victory Star
Ability Details

Victory Star Introduced in Generation 5


Language Name Used
Hong Kong Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 勝利之星
Taiwan Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 胜利之星
United States English Victory Star
France French Victorieux
Germany German Triumphstern
Italy Italian Vittorstella
Japan Japanese しょうりのほし
South Korea Korean 승리의별
Spain Spanish Tinovictoria


Species Thumbnail Victini victini

Flavor Text

Version Flavor
United States BW Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself.
France BW Monte la Précision des Pokémon de l’équipe.
United States B2W2 Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself.
United States XY Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself.
Japan XY じぶんや みかたの めいちゅうが あがる。
Germany XY Erhöht Genauigkeit bei allen Pokémon im Team.
France XY Monte la Précision des Pokémon de l’équipe.
Spain XY Sube la Precisión de todo el equipo.
Italy XY Aumenta la precisione di chi la possiede e quella degli alleati.
South Korea XY 자신과 같은 편의 명중률이 올라간다.
XY 自分や 味方の 命中が あがる。
United States ORAS Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself.
Japan ORAS じぶんや  かたの めいちゅうが あがる。
Germany ORAS Erhöht Genauigkeit aller Pokémon im Team.
France ORAS Monte la Précision des Pokémon de l’équipe.
Spain ORAS Sube la Precisión de todo el equipo.
Italy ORAS Aumenta la precisione di chi la possiede e quella degli alleati.
South Korea ORAS 자신과 같은 편의 명중률이 올라간다.
ORAS 自分や 味方の 命中が あがる。
United States SM Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself.
Japan SM じぶんや みかたの めいちゅうりつが あがる。
Germany SM Erhöht die Genauigkeit aller Team-Pokémon.
France SM Augmente la Précision des Pokémon de l’équipe.
Spain SM Sube la Precisión de todo el equipo.
Italy SM Aumenta la precisione di tutta la squadra.
Taiwan SM 自己和同伴的命中率会提高。
South Korea SM 자신과 같은 편의 명중률이 올라간다.
Hong Kong SM 自己和同伴的命中率會提高。
SM 自分や 味方の 命中率が 上がる。