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PM.Net Feature Requests

Please enter your requests for features to be added to the new pm.net design below by finding the appropriate section under which to classify your suggestion.
Thanks, JDS/John
Projects that are completed have been struck-through and appear in blue.
Projects that are currently being implemented or are implemented in a modified form are underlined in red.
  • Episode Guide Suggestions (epguide.php)
    1. Air Dates: Air dates for other languages needs to be displayed (Adamant)
    2. Series Logos: Add ability to assign the epguide category page, the logos of series (Sunain)
    3. OP/ED's: OP/ED database, ability to assign episodes it was in. Separate pages for each opening, with pictures, characters in opening, pokemon in opening, lyrics, CD's the opening is on, screenshot page, ect. Admin interface done, front-end still needs to be programmed (Sunain)
    4. Admin: If possible, shortcut admin feature for titles, airdates, credits similar to how its done on the tcg dex. (michan)
    5. Add Play Button for Applicable Music Tracks in Tag:BGM Tag is linked to songs db. Add play button for uploaded CD songs.(Sunain)
    6. Extra Segments Tab: Tab setup exactly as the edits tab except dedicated to extra segments on the show like Who's that Pokemon, trainer's choice, which AG/DP eyecatch was used (there were a couple different ones), Okido/Trivia segment, additional segment for first Japanese airing (if any), Pokerap/Jukebox/Karaokemon segment (Adamant)
    7. Timeline: Add a database entry for all edits in the epguide to determine if an edit would also be part of the timeline. Timeline would be sorted by month/year listing edits from the epguide that have the timeline flag enabled.(TSS_Killer)

      April 2009
      PM594 (DP125) - 2009-04-30 - Takeshi Intro Eyecatch makes its debut.
    8. Hyperlinks for the tracks in the "Top BGM". Sometimes I want to know from which CD exactly the musics come from, in order to understand which music it really is. And if it's not much trouble, consider also adding a "Play!" button alongside the musics in the "Top BGM" section. (ivantuga2)
    9. OP/End Index Mini Images: Similar to how the main index for the episode guide shows a small logo pic for each entry, use a smaller version of the main op/end pic and add a new column for the mini pic. Often identifying by picture can be easier. (Sunain)
    10. CD Scanned Images: CD database needs the images identical to the DVD db. Most of the CD's already have scanned images and thumbnails created from the old site. (Sunain)
    11. Instances of Insert Songs: In the "Openings/Endings Database", replace the name of the label "Episodes Used In" to "Episodes Used As Opening" for the openings and "Episodes Used as Ending" for the endings. The main change, from which the first one stems, is to add a label of "Episodes Used as Insert Song" (when it's played during a scene or scenes in the show; never the instances after "To be Continued...") for each one, and of course, the ability to add instances for that. The "# of Eps." in the main index of "Openings/Endings Database" should keep counting only the times it's used as an opening/ending.(ivantuga2)
  • Forum Suggestions (forums.php)
    1. Create Forums: Yeah.
    2. Lastest Forum Posts Dialog Box on the main index page, similar in style to the news box.
  • Projects Suggestions (projects.php)
    1. Transparency: Save the alpha channel in Style colors so that Title shades are not corrupted by the QC process.
    2. Epguide Linking: Ability to assign projects an episode guide id number to allow quick linking to the epguide page for that episode for further reference. (Sunain)
    3. Quality Check Completed list: Someway for people to put like a checkmark or something to say they've finished their quality check of a release. Then have a list of people near/above the comments for that episode that have finished their QC's. (Sunain)
    4. Style+Change Combo: Allow users to put in suggestion for both a style change and line change in the same suggestion (remove need for popup menu beside line #) (JDS)
  • Character Guide Suggestions (characters.php)
    1. Pokemon This Character Owns: For characters that have no Pokemon, it should display, "This Character does not own any Pokemon." or something to that effect. For characters that are actually a Pokemon, the box shouldn't appear at all. (Sunain)
    2. Gender Field: Add a field for Gender to the Character DB (Male/Female/Pokemon). This will allow sorting by gender. (Sunain)
    3. Seiyuu Database Category: Add a category to the database to add a known character's seiyuu to the character profile pages. Would include Pictures/Thumbnails, Bio, ability to link to characters for character db for each voice actor. (TSS_Killer)
    4. Admin: If it's not too much of a hassle, it would be great if a shortcut button linking to the Character Edit page was added to each Character Database entry, similar to the one suggested for the Episode Guide by michan, in order to make it easier and faster to edit the character entries. (Erlade)
    5. More Sorting filter options: character could have sort by move they know, gender filter, number of appearances (<,>,=,<=,>=), series (Sunain)
  • TCG Dex Suggestions (tcg.php)
    1. Editing bug - Editing a card will delete its attacks. (Sunain & Erlade)
    2. "Basic Pokemon" instead of "Evolves from: [None Selected]", add "Stage 1/Stage 2 Pokémon" fields for Pokémon cards that evolve from others. (Erlade)
    3. Make the card display look a bit neater: hide the 'Ability' and 'Level' fields if they're not filled, ability to add "None" instead of leaving empty the 'Retreat Cost', 'Weakness' and 'Resistance' fields if there are none (Erlade)
    4. More filters for the Card Search: Search for Basic/Stage 1/Stage 2 Pokémon, Rarity and maybe Card Artist as well (even though that's not necessary as there's an "Artists List" available)
    5. Other Languages: Add ability for other languages that the TCG is printed in. IE: Japanese cards, french cards, German, ect (Sunain)
    6. Separately sorted Languages and Link similar Cards: Currently the index for the tcg lists Japanese and English sets together. Have separate list for each language. Also add the ability to link cards that are the same but in a different language.
    7. Drop downs in the 'in-card display' for: Listing of the current set cards and another one listing the other sets (Sunain)
    8. Card Artist & TCG Attack Lists: Main index lists of all the card artists and TCG Attacks, which could be clicked on to give lists of cards the artist did and cards that the attack is featured on. (Sunain)
  • Wobbadex Suggestions (wobbadex.php)
    1. Anime Tab: Keep the current table but separate them by seasons & list main/secondary Pokemon characters with thumbnail bio pic and brief blurb (similar to how its done with the bio page) (Sunain)
    2. TCG Tab: Post mini pics with brief info & link to the tcg dex for cards that are Pokemon. (Sunain)
    3. Dex Entries in need of additions: Castform (#351): Sun/Rain/Hail form sprites, Deoxys (#386): ATK/DEF/SPD form sprites & stats, Burmy (#412): Sand/Trash Cloak form sprites, Wormadam (#413): same as Burmy, Cherrim (#421): Sunny Form sprite, Shellos (#422): East Sea form sprite, Gastrodon (#423): East Sea form sprite, Rotom (#479): various appliances sprites & stats, Giratina (#487): Origin Form sprite & stats, Shaymin (#492): Sky Form sprite & stats, Arceus (#493): various types sprites (if possible, because there's 17 of them), Basculin (#550): Blue form sprite, Darmanitan (#555): Zen Mode sprite & stats, Deerling (#585): Summer/Autumn/Winter form sprites, Sawsbuck (#586): same as Deerling, Meloetta (#648): Pirouette Form sprite & stats, Genesect (#649): Electric/Fire/Ice/Water form sprites.(Erlade)
    4. Need to add the AR Markers for all Pokémon, as well as their forms (male/female/etc.) and Formes for those that have them. Examples: female Unfezant (#521), Blue form Basculin (#550), Zen Mode Darmanitan (#555), Summer/Autumn/Winter form Deerling (#585), Summer/Autumn/Winter form Sawsbuck (#586), female Frillish (#592), female Jellicent (#593). When that's done, those missing AR Markers should be added to this page as well: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/Pokedex3d_AR_Markers (the missing Unova ones only) and the Pokédex 3D Pro game page when that's created. (Erlade)
    5. Update the Attack dex with the changes in Power and/or Accuracy that have occured in the various generations. Some moves, like Fly and Uproar have the "wrong" (at least as far as Gen V is concerned) Power assigned to them. Could include the various changes in the pages in order to make them more interesting and the changes throughout the generations more obvious. (Erlade)
    6. Location Dex with linking to the tab
    7. Allow searching for attack names in alternate languages now that they are in the db, especially Japanese/Japanese romaji (Sunain)
    8. Attack Dex - add 'Anime Pokémon that know this Move', add "Learn By Tutoring", if possible match TCG card attacks with the same name and add "TCG Cards that have this Attack" and finally "Learn Via Machines" needs a 'Sorry, no Pokemon learn this move via Machines".
  • Imageboard Suggestions (imageboard.php)
    1. Bug Fix - Date and time on board threads reports as 12/31/69 or 01/01/70. (http://www.pocketmonsters.net/ib/board/64). Main index and thread details are fine though. (michan)
    2. Bug Fix - Scroll bar on the left has resize problems initially when loading png thumbnails. Resizing or hiding then unhiding the box fixes the problem temporarily but as soon as the page is refreshed it occurs again. (Sunain)
    3. HTML Link Code and BBcode Link - Each post have a button that would generate the html link code with popup box for full size and another button for bbcode so that people could easily imbed the pictures from the imageboard in a forum thread if needs be (Sunain)
    4. Multiple Pictures: Allow for users to upload multiple pictures within a single image
    5. Lastest Posts: Add a section at the top that posts a list of the last 10 posts on the Imageboard (Sunain)
    6. Opening Thread: Starting Thread forced to have a topic. (Sunain)
    7. Imageboard Thread Search: Allow users to search for keywords in the title and body of imageboard posts (TSS_Killer)
    8. Tag a Pokemon (that's not a character in the Character DB)
    9. A display to show all the pictures tagged by a specific instance. IE: all of the Pictures featuring Ingo. (Perhaps just a link on the character bio's 'click here to see all tagged instances' if people want to see more than the latest)
  • Index Suggestions (index.php)
    1. Last 5 Imageboard Posts: Add last 5 Imageboard posts to the front page (Sunain)
    2. List of Current Events: List of events taking place worldwide for the games. AKA wifi events or download events. Dates (starting/ending), Event title, Pokemon Sprite/Image of item ect, name of Pokemon with link to the dex, Country event is held in. (Sunain)
    3. Pokemon, TCG Card, Character of the Day: To promote other sections of the website and general randomness, have a panel on the side below affiliates that does randomized information each day where people could click on that and learn more about it and hopefully view other parts of the site. (Sunain)
    4. Login Box/Welcome: When a Project is ready for editing, have a yellow box activate like on the old site for staff to click on to go to the projects page(Sunain)
    5. Some kind of main 'welcome mat' for the main page at the top before the first news article (Sunain)
  • Administrator Suggestions (admin.php)
  • User Profile Suggestions (user.php)
    1. Comment Counts: Number of episode that person has rated, Number of Imageboard posts, last Imageboard post link, episodes this user liked best, number of comments, link to last comment, # of dvds rated (average), # of cds rated (average)
    2. Private Messaging (junh1024)
    3. Friend Codes, etc.: Ability for people to add wii friends codes for DS games and Wii Pokemon games, email address, irc nickname on #pm, website url for their site/blog/social networking page.
    4. My Locker: Allow people to select which CD's, DVD's, they have as well as setup tcg decks and Pokemon teams for public view on their profile.
    5. Tabbed Display for Options: Like other places in the site, the tabs have proved to be very useful in making the display clean. (Sunain)
    6. An option to turn off receiving of PMs. (michan)
    7. Allowing people to pick favorite pokemon, favorite episode, favorite song, list how many db edits they have done, last viewed pages
  • Misc. Suggestions
    1. >mod_rewrite: Utilization of apache's mod_rewrite to rewrite the url's into clean versions. As suggested before in Friendly URLs, usage of clean urls such as http://www.pocketmonsters.net/DP129 is a lot more efficient with SEO versus http://www.pocketmonsters.net/epguide.php?action= (insert more stuff here). Possibly even include an option for people to specify their own rewritten url if writing a new article. i.e. If I'm writing a TCG article about strategy, I could have the url written to http://www.pocketmonsters.net/tcg/strategy (bgt)
    2. Pages - Give pages the ability to be assigned a category ie,: Anime, TCG, Games, ect. so that they would have an ID tag that could be used to sort the pages better as the database grows.(Sunain)
    3. CD/DVD Db Search Result Titles: On the filter search results for the CD and DVD db, add translated titles to the listing as well in a smaller font below the native language title, similar to how its currently done in the listing.
    4. Manga DB: Almost identical in style to the Epguide db. Tabs would be for each chapter of a manga volume which would include: Main [Title picture, Release date, title, ISBN, Price, description, and then a few scans (cover, back, first page of chapter)], Characters/Pokemon in Chapter (linking to a 'Magna Tab' in the Pokedex), Chapter Comments, Chapter errors/edits, Chapter Summary.
    5. News related URLs: Not all Pokemon news is article writing worthy, but can be of great interest to people. A new section listing urls to Pokemon related stuff (pics, articles, pokemon referenced in something), sorted by date added. (Sunain)
    6. Pokedex: Location, Eggmove, and stats tabs need to be completed.
    7. Games Dialogue reference guide: There are tons of gameplay guides all over the internet, you can easily look up which pokemon can be found where, which pokemon each trainer has, which items are located where... but if you want to know what a particular character said, especially for those story-oriented events that only happen once, you have to essentially reset the game And the Pokemon games are among the most replay-unfriendly games ever. (Adamant)
    8. Glossary of Terms DB: A database of common Pokemon terms with descriptions. Hopefully a Global Substitution could also be assigned for each term so that it could be linked to in pages.php, news articles and other sections of the site. Perhaps even a AJAX popup for a term with a truncated description. (Sunain)
    9. Forum/Comment Index: A forum like setup where it takes comments from all parts of the site, News, epguide, ect and displays it in index form. It would need to be setup so that comment posted in the actual section of the site or in the index would update both. Each series would have its own heading which would be split up by the episodes in that series. Clicking on an episode would list the comments from that episode. - Multiple people on the current website have indicated in comments that we need a better way of communicating with people on the website. Possibly linking comment sections into a forum?
    10. Calendar: Add News posts from that day.
    11. Pokemon Name linking Automation: Dunno know if this is possible or not, but when the name of a Pokemon is entered in a pages document (perhaps even globally if possible), add the a href link to the dex.
    12. Hierarchical Tagging Index: Global listing of all tags which could then be clicked on to see all the items available under that tag and could then be clicked on to see the actual article.
    13. Revamp the games section totally - a generic template going for each games setup (i think the current game display for the pages is pretty good but administration isn't ideal), manually editing the TOC for each page for each game when a new section for the game is added is a pain, displaying the content available in each game easier needs to be addressed in an index form somehow (Sunain)
    14. Event Pokémon DB: Add a line in the Event Details about the Distribution Method of the event (WiFi Connection/In-store/Dream World/Console Game/etc.) (Erlade)

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Last updated 21 Jul 2012 11:50 by Erlade.
Revision #161
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