Home / Content DB / Promotional Distribution Events for Pokémon X and Y

Game Details:

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date(s): October 12th, 2013 (JPN), October 12th, 2013 (USA), October 12th, 2013 (EUR)
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), PEGI: 3+ (EUR), ESRB: E (USA)
Controller(s): Nintendo 3DS
Extra Contents: X and Y Main Page, Pokémon Bank / Poké Transporter, Mega Evolution, Super Training, Player Search System (PSS), Holo Caster, Nintendo Network, Berries, Ribbons, Patches, Rating Battles
Pokémon Global Link: Poké Miles Store,Balloon Popping, Graffiti Eraser, Mine Cart Adventure, Poké Doll Grabber, Medals, Online Tournaments

Promotional Distribution Events for Pokémon X and Y

Like in earlier games, a number of special events have been held to transfer special Pokémon, items, etc. into your game.

Wi-fi distribution events

To receive a wi-fi event, the player must choose the "Get via wi-fi" option from the Mystery Gift menu. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in green at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanOctober 12th 2013-January 15th 2014AchamoMoveset: Scratch/Growl/Focus Energy/Ember
Comes with Premier Ribbon. Holds Burshamonite. Has the Hidden Ability Speed Boost.
Wi-fiOnly way to obtain the Burshamonite item.

Infrared distribution events

To receive an infrared event, the player must go to a place where the event is being distributed, have the distributor activate the event for them and choose the "Get via infrared" option from the Mystery Gift menu. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in green at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014PikachuMoveset: Celebrate/Growl/Play Nice/Quick Attack
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014EievuiMoveset: Celebrate/Sand Attack/Baby-doll Eyes/Swift
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014ShowersMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Water Gun
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014ThundersMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Thunder Shock
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014BoosterMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Ember
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014EifieMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Confusion
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014BlackyMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Pursuit
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014LeafiaMoveset: Celebrate/Helping Hand/Sand Attack/Razor Leaf
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014GlaciaMoveset: Celebrate/Tail Whip/Sand Attack/Icy Wind
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-September 30th 2014NymphiaMoveset: Celebrate/Helping Hand/Sand Attack/Fairy Wind
Comes with Birthday Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersBirthday gift event: The player must present documentation their birthday is that month to receive this event. Players may only receive a single birthday gift event a year.
JapanDecember 15th 2013-February 16th 2014SonansuMoveset: Counter
Comes with Event Ribbon.
From Pokémon Nuketta machines. Such machines are available at:
The Pokémon Card Game Battle Festa (December 15th at Intex Osaka, December 23rd at Tokyo Big Sight)
The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Winter (January 19th at Osaka Dome, January 25th/26th at Makuhari Messe, February 2nd at Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome, February 9th at Kyocera Dome Osaka)
All Pokémon Centers (January 20th-February 16th)
The Pokémon Nuketta machine will distribute one Sonansu for each Sonansu tretta inserted in it. The tretta will be replaced by a blank, unusable tretta to reprsent that the Pokémon was transferred into the game.

Serial Code distribution events

To receive a Serial Code event, the player must obtain a unique serial code for the event that hasn't been used before, select "Get via Code" from the Mystery Gift menu, and enter the code.. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in green at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanOctober 12th 2013-January 15th 2014Quick Ball x12A somewhat different Poké Ball that provides a better catch rate if it is used at the start of a wild encounter.From code given out with purchases of Pocket Monsters X/Y at Pokémon Center stores while the campaign lasted.
JapanNovember 15th 2013-August 29th 2014GabliasMoveset: Draco Meteor/Dragon Claw/Dig/Crunch.
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Dragon Fang.
From code included in copies of Corocoro Comic December/2013.
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 26th 2013Lucky EggAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It is an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle.From code received when showing a Pocket Monsters Black/White/Black 2/White 2 cart to the distributor at all Pokémon Centers and Toys'R Us stores in Japan.
JapanMarch 15th 2014-August 29th 2014LizardonMoveset: Fire Fang/Flamethrower/Air Slash/Inferno.
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Lizardonite Y.
From code included in copies of Corocoro Comic February/2014 when used in Pocket Monsters X.
JapanMarch 15th 2014-August 29th 2014LizardonMoveset: Dragon Rage/Fire Fang/Air Slash/Dragon Claw.
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Lizardonite X.
From code included in copies of Corocoro Comic February/2014 when used in Pocket Monsters Y.
JapanApril 19th 2014-September 30th 2014DarkraiMoveset: Dark Void/Dark Pulse/Phantom Force/Dream Eater.
Comes with Wishing Ribbon. Holds Enigma Berry.
From code included on pre-order tickets for "The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie/Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These?".Movie 17 ticket distribution event. Only way to obtain the Enigma Berry item.

O-Power distribution events

To receive an O-Power event, the player must visit the location it is being distributed, select the O-Power distribution signal from the Passerby list on the PSS, then choose "Receive O-Power" from the menu. When received, the event O-Power will automatically be activated for a given time, then disappear again.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanOctober 12th 2013-November 15th 2013HP Restoring Power Lv. 2Immediately restores the HP of the lead Pokémon somewhat.All Pokémon Centers. Also available at Aeon Mall locations October 12th-14th 2013.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-November 15th 2013PP Restoring Power Lv. 2Immediately restores the PP of the lead Pokémon somewhat.All Pokémon Centers. Also available at Aeon Mall locations October 12th-14th 2013.
JapanOctober 12th 2013-November 15th 2013Prize Money Power Lv. 2Increases the prize money from battles. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers. Also available at Aeon Mall locations October 12th-14th 2013.
JapanNovember 16th 2013-December 13th 2013Bargain Power Lv. 3Poké Marts begin a bargain sale in which everything is 50% off. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers.
JapanNovember 16th 2013-December 13th 2013Prize Money Power Lv. 3Increases the prize money from battles very much. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers.
JapanNovember 16th 2013-January 10th 2014Capture Power Lv. 3Increases the chance to catch Pokémon very much. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers.
JapanDecember 14th 2013-January 10th 2014Exp. Point Power Lv. 3Increases the Exp. Points from battles very much. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers.
JapanDecember 14th 2013-January 10th 2014Hatching Power Lv. 3Helps Eggs hatch much faster. The effect lasts three minutes.All Pokémon Centers.
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 22nd 2013Exp. Point Power MAXIncreases the Exp. Points from battles very much. The effect lasts one hour.Jump Festa 2014, Makuhari MesseNot obtainable in-game
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 22nd 2013Bargain Power MAXPoké Marts begin a bargain sale in which everything is 50% off. The effect lasts one hour.Jump Festa 2014, Makuhari MesseNot obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 11th 2014-February 28th 2014Capture Power SIncreases the chance to catch Pokémon very much. The effect lasts thirty minutes.All Pokémon Centers.Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 11th 2014-February 28th 2014Exp. Point Power SIncreases the Exp. Points from battles very much. The effect lasts thirty minutes.All Pokémon Centers.Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 11th 2014-February 28th 2014Hatching Power SHelps Eggs hatch much faster. The effect lasts thirty minutes.All Pokémon Centers.Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 11th 2014-February 28th 2014Prize Money Power SIncreases the prize money from battles very much. The effect lasts thirty minutes.All Pokémon Centers.Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 19th 2014-February 9th 2014Exp. Point Power MAXIncreases the Exp. Points from battles very much. The effect lasts one hour.The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Winter (January 19th at Osaka Dome, January 25th/26th at Makuhari Messe, February 2nd at Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome, February 9th at Kyocera Dome Osaka)Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 19th 2014-February 9th 2014Bargain Power MAXPoké Marts begin a bargain sale in which everything is 50% off. The effect lasts one hour.The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Winter (January 19th at Osaka Dome, January 25th/26th at Makuhari Messe, February 2nd at Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome, February 9th at Kyocera Dome Osaka)Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 19th 2014-February 9th 2014Prize Money Power MAXIncreases the prize money from battles very much. The effect lasts one hour.The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Winter (January 19th at Osaka Dome, January 25th/26th at Makuhari Messe, February 2nd at Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome, February 9th at Kyocera Dome Osaka)Not obtainable in-game
JapanJanuary 19th 2014-February 9th 2014Capture Power MAXIncreases the chance to catch Pokémon very much. The effect lasts one hour.The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Winter (January 19th at Osaka Dome, January 25th/26th at Makuhari Messe, February 2nd at Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome, February 9th at Kyocera Dome Osaka)Not obtainable in-game

Wireless distribution events

To receive a wireless event, the player must go to a place where the event is being distributed and choose the "Get via wireless" option from the Mystery Gift menu. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in green at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanNovember 22nd 2013-January 26th 2014MaaiikaMoveset: Happy Hour/Foul Play/Hypnosis/Topsy-turvy
Holds Aspear Berry. Comes with Classic Ribbon.
Pokémon Center Tokyo-BayPokémon Center Tokyo-Bay mascot, distributed to celebrate that Center's opening.
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 22nd 2014Weakness PolicyAn item to be held by a Pokémon. Attack and Sp. Atk sharply increase if the holder is hit with a move it's weak to.Jump Festa 2014, Makuhari Messe
JapanDecember 26nd 2013-January 26th 2014MaaiikaMoveset: Happy Hour/Foul Play/Hypnosis/Topsy-turvy
Holds Aspear Berry. Comes with Classic Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersIdentical to the Tokyo-Bay Maaiika.
JapanFebruary 1st 2014-February 28th 2014GangarMoveset: Psychic/Confuse Ray/Sucker Punch/Shadow Punch
Comes with Classic Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersDistributed every other hour, alternating with the below Hassam event.
JapanFebruary 1st 2014-February 28th 2014HassamMoveset: Aerial Ace/False Swipe/Agility/Fury Cutter
Comes with Classic Ribbon.
All Pokémon CentersDistributed every other hour, alternating with the above Gangar event.
JapanMay 10th 2014-May 18th 2014GyaradosMoveset: Waterfall/Earthquake/Ice Fang/Dragon Dance
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Gyaradosnite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanMay 19th 2014-May 25th 2014HassamMoveset: Bullet Punch/Swords Dance/Roost/U-turn
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Hassamnite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanMay 26th 2014-June 1st 2014GaruraMoveset: Fake Out/Return/Earthquake/Sucker Punch
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Garuranite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanJune 2nd 2014-June 8th 2014GangarMoveset: Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb/Will-o-wisp/Destiny Bond
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Gangarnite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanJune 9th 2014-June 15th 2014BangirasMoveset: Stone Edge/Crunch/Earthquake/Ice Punch
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Bangirasnite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanJune 16th 2014-June 22nd 2014KucheatMoveset: Iron Head/Play Rough/Fire Fang/Sucker Punch
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Kucheatnite.
All Pokémon Centers.Part of the Mega Evolution Campaign
JapanJuly 19th 2014-September 30th 2014DiancieMoveset: Diamond Storm/Reflect/Return/Moonblast
Comes with Wishing Ribbon. Holds Normal Jewel.
All theaters showing "The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie/Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These?".Movie 17 theater distribution event

Trade distribution events

To receive a trade event, the player must trade one of their Pokémon with the person distributing the event via local wireless.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 26th 2014GhostMoveset: Psychic/Confuse Ray/Sucker Punch/Shadow Punch
Comes with Classic Ribbon.
All Pokémon Centers and Toys'R Us storesWill instantly evolve into Gangar upon arrival.
JapanDecember 21st 2013-December 26th 2014StrikeMoveset: Aerial Ace/False Swipe/Agility/Fury Cutter
Comes with Classic Ribbon. Holds Metal Coat
All Pokémon Centers and Toys'R Us storesWill instantly evolve into Hassam upon arrival, losing its Metal Coat.

Pokémon Link distribution events

To receive a Pokémon Link event, the player must activate the event in another game on the same console, then choose the "Pokémon Link" option from the main menu. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in red at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanDecember 25th 2013-September 30th 2014CelebiMoveset: Recover/Heal Bell/Safeguard/Hold Back
Comes with Classic Ribbon.
Via Pokémon Bank

Global Link distribution events

To receive a Global Link event, the player must activate the event on the Global Link, then perform a Game Sync. After the event has been downloaded, the event in question can be received from the woman in red at the Pokémon Center.

Country Dates Name Description Location Notes
JapanJanuary 14th 2014-March 3rd 2014Discount CouponThis special coupon allows you to buy items at a discount when you are shopping at a boutique.Via Pokémon Global LinkOnly way to obtain the Discount Coupon item.

This page has been viewed 9868 times.
Last updated 02 May 2014 17:01 by Sunain.
Revision #14
Page Tags: Events Pokémon X and Y Event Pokémon Nintendo Network