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Pokémon TCG: XY Roaring Skies is the latest expansion to the Pokémon Trading Card Game franchise

Pokémon TCG: XY Roaring Skies is the latest expansion to the Pokémon Trading Card Game franchise. Booster packs and two theme decks—Aurora Blast and Storm Rider—will be available in stores on May 6, 2015, introducing more than 100 new cards to collect and play.

Key Features of the Pokémon TCG: XY—Roaring Skies Expansion
· 7 New Pokémon-EX Cards, 4 New Mega Pokémon-EX Cards, and 9 New Full-art Pokémon-EX Cards—New Pokémon-EX cards include Mega Rayquaza-EX, Thundurus-EX, Mega Latios-EX, Hydreigon-EX, and more.
· Mega EX Cards Bring New TCG Strategy—The new Mega Evolution rule requires Trainers to end their turn once they evolve a Pokémon-EX into a Mega Pokémon-EX unless a specific Spirit Link card is used.
· Ancient Traits Granted to Certain Pokémon—Ancient Traits, which give various advantages in battle, appear in XY—Roaring Skies. Their functions are similar to Abilities, but Ancient Traits come from a pre-set pool.
· Half Art Cards— Some Pokémon with Ancient Traits will have half art cards, where the art extends into and behind the text box.
· 18 New Trainer Cards— New Trainer cards, including two full-art Trainers and one Special Energy, add new depth and tactics to Pokémon TCG.
· Booster packs—Packs of 10 additional cards selected from the expansion.
· Two New Theme Decks—These 60-card pre-constructed decks are designed to introduce players to the Pokémon TCG by enabling them to play right away.

XY Roaring Skies theme decks and booster packs include an in-pack code card that unlocks virtual cards from the XY Roaring Skies expansion for play in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online at www.pokemon.co.uk/tcgo . Pokémon TCG Online is also now available on iPad via the Apple App Store.
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Last updated 08 Apr 2015 08:15 by Sunain.
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