Home / Content DB / Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl (ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド シャイニングパール)

Game Details:

Developer: ILCA, Inc.
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date(s): November 19th, 2021 (Worldwide)
Mode(s): Single player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 7 (EUR)
Controller(s): Nintendo 3DS
Extra Contents: BDSP Main Page, Patches, Pre-Order Gifts


Developed by ILCA, Inc., and directed by Junichi Masuda (GAME FREAK) and Yuichi Ueda (ILCA), Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl enable fans to experience the original story and game features from Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl in a fresh way. The original games have been faithfully reproduced and colourfully revitalized for Nintendo Switch. The sense of scale of the towns and routes has been carefully preserved, and fans who played the original games will recognize many familiar places. These games are updated with the easy-to-understand, player-friendly conveniences introduced in recent Pokémon core series video games, in addition to up-close-and-personal Pokémon battle scenes.

In 2006, Trainers were introduced to the Sinnoh region with the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl on the Nintendo DS system. Players can once again visit the Sinnoh region in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, which are faithful remakes of two iconic Pokémon games. Pokémon Legends: Arceus will introduce fans to the Sinnoh region of old—before the existence of Pokémon Trainers and Pokémon Leagues. It’s in this long-gone era that players will embark on an entirely new adventure to create the region’s first Pokédex.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are faithful remakes of Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version, which were released on the Nintendo DS system in 2006. Whether or not players have explored the Sinnoh region before, they can look forward to this great adventure, reborn on Nintendo Switch. The original story has been faithfully reproduced, and various game functions have been colorfully revitalized. Trainers can expect an adventure through the Sinnoh region that feels both nostalgic and fresh.

The Pokémon featured in the newly released package designs of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. Trainers will be able to discover the mysterious connection between Dialga or Palkia and the Sinnoh region during their adventures.



Trainers will choose either Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup to be their first partner Pokémon before setting off on their journey. Along the way, they will be able to encounter the Legendary Pokémon Dialga in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and the Legendary Pokémon Palkia in Pokémon Shining Pearl.

The Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl games enable fans to experience the original story and game features from Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl in a fresh way. First released in 2006, the original games have been faithfully reproduced and colorfully revitalized for Nintendo Switch. High resolution artwork and screenshots from the press release have been added to the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearls Imageboard thread.


Defeat Gym Leaders to receive Gym Badges as proof of your victories. Collect all eight Gym Badges to compete in the Pokémon League, where the highest-level Trainers—the Elite Four and the Champion—await. Win your way through the Pokémon League to earn the title given to only the strongest Pokémon Trainer: Champion!



Professor Rowan: A famous professor in the field of Pokémon Evolution. He entrusts you with a Pokémon and asks you to help complete the Pokédex.
Your Rival: Your childhood friend. He sets off on his journey at the same time as you and hones his skills as a Pokémon Trainer through your friendly rivalry.
Cynthia: A mysterious person who shows up at many points along your journey. She’s investigating myths about Pokémon.
Team Galactic: Team Galactic is a group active all over the Sinnoh region. Dressed in their uniforms, they make trouble for you at every turn, attempting to interfere with your adventure.
Dawn/Lucas: Professor Rowan’s assistant. A reliable friend who’ll help you out at every stage of your journey to complete your Pokédex. Whether Dawn or Lucas appears as Professor Rowan’s assistant depends on the appearance of the protagonist that you choose at the beginning of the game.

New details revealed:
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl will bring Trainers back to the Sinnoh region, where they will meet Professor Rowan, battle against Team Galactic, and explore the Grand Underground. The Sinnoh region’s popular Pokémon Super Contests return as Super Contest Shows, and players can socialize with other Trainers from around the world in the Union Room. Trainers will also be able to personalize their gameplay experience by using Capsule Decoration. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl will be compatible with Pokémon HOME in 2022.

Have a blast in the Grand Underground


The Underground from Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl has been powered up for these games, and is now called the Grand Underground. The Grand Underground is a vast subterranean world that spreads out like a maze beneath the entire Sinnoh region.

Use the Explorer Kit you’ll receive during your adventure to visit the Grand Underground, where you can participate in activities such as digging up valuable treasures and Pokémon Fossils, or creating your own Secret Base. You can also visit places called Pokémon Hideaways, where you can find Pokémon that live in a variety of different environments.

Pokémon Hideaways come with a variety of different terrains ranging from still-water caverns to volcanic landscapes, with different Pokémon living in each type of environment. Among the Pokémon that inhabit the Sinnoh region, there are some Pokémon that can only be found in these Pokémon Hideaways.

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Some of the walls in the Grand Underground can be dug into, using a sledgehammer and a pickax. By digging into them, you can find things like useful items for your adventure and valuable Pokémon Fossils, as well as new Pokémon statues that have been added to these games.

Build your very own Secret Base and decorate it with Pokémon statues!

You can use an item called the Digger Drill in the Grand Underground to build yourself a Secret Base within the walls. Pokémon statues that you can find while Fossil digging can be placed wherever you like inside your Secret Base, so you can customize your own space!

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Adventure together with Trainers all over the world in the Grand Underground!

You can interact with Trainers all over the world through your Nintendo Switch system’s local communication or online communication. As well as adventuring together in the Grand Underground, you can also dig for Fossils together with other Trainers.

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Work up the crowd to put on a successful Super Contest Show!


Super Contest Shows are popular performances in Sinnoh, each put on by four performers and their Pokémon, who work together to show off their performance skills. During the show, you can dress up in your favorite outfit, and your Pokémon will dance, making for an altogether different experience from their usual battles of strength.

Up to four people can participate together, so you can show off your best performance with your friends to really wow the crowd!

Super Contest Show Categories
Super Contest Shows are divided into five categories—Coolness, Cuteness, Beauty, Toughness, and Cleverness. Within each category, there are several ranks: Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master Rank.

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Super Contest Shows Evaluations
Super Contest Shows are judged based on a Visual Evaluation, a Dance Evaluation, and a Move Evaluation. You can receive Hype Points based on your evaluations, and if the combined total of all four performers’ Hype Points reaches a target score, the show will be declared a success.

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Visual Evaluation
This evaluation is based on Pokémon’s conditions, such as Coolness or Beauty, as well as the effects of their Capsule Decoration.

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Use Capsule Decoration to create effects according to your taste!

Using Capsule Decoration, you can place Stickers to customize the effects that appear when your Pokémon comes out of its Poké Ball for battles or Super Contest Shows. With over 90 different Stickers, you can customize your Ball Capsules with effects like fluttering flower petals or raging flames.

You can buy Stickers in shops, but you can also get them in other ways, such as by defeating Gym Leaders or completing successful Super Contest Shows.

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You can place up to 20 Stickers on a Ball Capsule, so it’s possible to customize the Ball Capsule with some really varied combinations. Ball Capsules can be edited in the casual 2D style of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, or in 3D if you’d rather get really detailed with your customizations.

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Walk around with your favorite Pokémon!

Once you’ve progressed in the game to a certain point, you can choose just one Pokémon that you’ve befriended at a time to walk along behind you. Any Pokémon that appears in these games can walk with you, so choose your favorite to travel with you through the Sinnoh region as you visit lots of places and make memories together.

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Interact with Trainers all over the world in the Union Room!

The Union Room is a facility where you can enjoy battling and trading Pokémon with other Trainers through your Nintendo Switch system’s local communication or online communication.

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Local Room
In the Local Room, nearby Trainers can gather using local communication to enjoy trades, battles, and other activities.

Global Room
Trainers around the world can use online communication to gather in a single room for Pokémon trades, battles, and other activities.

Adventure in style, wearing your favorite outfits!

You’ll be able to buy and change outfits at Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City.

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Special Edition Nintendo Switch Lite Dialga & Palkia Edition


A special edition Nintendo Switch Lite Dialga & Palkia Edition will be released on Friday, November 5, 2021, to commemorate the launch of these titles and will have a design on the back featuring a silver-colored Dialga and a gold-colored Palkia.


This Nintendo Switch Lite system is the first to feature a metallic gray body with black buttons. The back features striking line art of the Legendary Pokémon Dialgia and Palkia from the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl games in a silver-colored and gold-colored finish.

Nintendo Switch Lite is a compact, lightweight Nintendo Switch system dedicated to handheld play. With a built-in +Control Pad and a sleek, unibody design, it’s great for on-the-go gaming. Nintendo Switch Lite is compatible with the robust library of Nintendo Switch games that support handheld mode.

The all-purpose Pokétch

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The Pokétch is a handy gadget players receive on their in-game journey that’s loaded up with various apps. This all-purpose tool has apps for all sorts of situations, such as the Dowsing Machine app, which can be used to locate hidden items. In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, the Pokétch also allows players to call on wild Pokémon to help them out by using hidden moves like Cut to chop down obstructive trees or Rock Climb to scale steep cliffs.

Have fun with Pokémon in Amity Square


Amity Square in Hearthome City is a relaxing place where Trainers can spend time with their Pokémon. They’ll be able to walk with up to six of their Pokémon at a time, so long as they are among the list of Pokémon permitted in the park. While inside Amity Square, players can also adjust the camera angle and zoom level to take commemorative photos and videos with their Pokémon. Photos can be taken by pressing the Nintendo Switch system’s Capture Button, while short videos can be recorded by pressing and holding it.

Make some Poffins!

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Poffins are snacks that can raise Pokémon’s conditions, such as Coolness or Cuteness. By raising these conditions, players can get higher scores during the Visual Evaluation of Super Contest Shows. In Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, it was only possible to make Poffins in the Poffin House, but now players can make them in Amity Square as well.[1]

The Boss and Commanders of the Mysterious Team Galactic

As players explore Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, they’ll cross paths with friends and opponents alike.


Cyrus and Weavile
A charismatic figure who rules over Team Galactic. Cyrus always speaks and acts with a calm, logical demeanor. He detests human minds and emotions, finding them defective.


Mars and Purugly
Mars is a strong-willed commander who hates to lose and has sworn loyalty to Cyrus. Her passion for Pokémon sometimes inspires powerful emotional outbursts. Her partner Pokémon is Purugly.

Jupiter and Skuntank
Jupiter has a mysterious air about her. She is certainly skilled at Pokémon battles, but she’s willing to do anything—even steal other people’s Pokémon—to achieve her goals. Her partner Pokémon is Skuntank.

Saturn and Toxicroak
Saturn is a cool and collected commander. Despite being one of the few who occasionally harbor doubts about Cyrus’s plans, Saturn is cold and dispassionate enough to carry out his orders faithfully. His partner Pokémon is Toxicroak.

The Toughest Pokémon Trainers in Town: Gym Leaders


Candice and Abomasnow
Gym Leader Candice of the Snowpoint City Gym uses Ice-type Pokémon, with Abomasnow heading her team. Known as the Diamond Dust Girl, she’s a passionate Trainer who really emphasizes the value of focus.


Volkner and Luxray
Gym Leader Volkner of the Sunyshore City Gym uses Electric-type Pokémon, with Luxray heading his team. He’s said to be the strongest Gym Leader in the Sinnoh region, but he’s grown bored by a lack of tough challengers, so he spends his time constantly remodeling the Gym.

Legendary Pokémon Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf
These three Legendary Pokémon appear in the myths of the Sinnoh region. According to the people of Sinnoh, Uxie is the Being of Knowledge, Mesprit is the Being of Emotion, and Azelf is the Being of Willpower. How will these three Pokémon be involved in your adventure?

Three Lakes that Represent the Sinnoh Region
Sinnoh features three lakes filled with bountiful water: Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor. It is said that Legendary Pokémon slumber at the bottom of these lakes.


  • Revisit the Sinnoh region from the original games and set off to try and become the Champion of the Pokémon League
  • Explore the Grand Underground to dig up items and Pokémon Fossils, build a Secret Base, and more!
  • Test your style and rhythm in a Super Contest Show
  • A reimagined adventure, now for the Nintendo Switch system


This page has been viewed 2847 times.
Last updated 07 Nov 2021 06:38 by Sunain.
Revision #7
Page Tags: Games Diamond and Pearl Nintendo Switch Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Pokémon Shining Pearl