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PocketMonsters Rules

DO NOT ask for illegal files. You will be banned if you do so.
1. DO NOT ask for illegal file distribution or share anything illegally yourself. Don't advertise groups and sources. Only official sources.
2. Talk about subs is okay as long as it doesn't conflict with rule #1.
3. The official language on this Server is English. Please use English at all times. Japanese and other languages only in given contexts.
4. The Admins are the final interpreters of the rules and clarifications.
5. "I didn't know rule X" is no excuse.
6. Conduct yourself in a mature, respectful and courteous manner. Don't be annoying. Don't mass-highlight people.
7. Please limit your use of profanity and NSFW related talk. This is a family friendly site and server.
8. No offensive and/or unreadable nicks. Please no frequent nick changes.
9. No whining about policies, being rude or insulting, Don't start fights.
10. No trolling, bigotry, racism or religion bashing will be tolerated.
11. No spamming, flooding or advertising. AND DO NOT TYPE ALL CAPS FOR NO REASON.
12. No posting of logs without permission.
13. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

PocketMonsters.net Imageboard Rules

The Imageboard allows users to post images related to the Pokémon franchise. Before posting images, be sure that a similar image has not already been posted. Unlike the forum, most replies or posts are images with a brief description of the image.

Below is the list of Imageboard specific rules. As a user of this site, you are to have read these and follow them. Ignorance is not an excuse. All standard site rules also apply on the Imageboard.

Imageboard Rules List

  1. Do not post excessively low resolution pictures. If the picture is too blurry, pixelated, or the picture size is too small, there is no point posting it.
  2. No Spamming/Flooding - We define flooding as more than 2 posts that are of a similar nature and are not part of the same thread. Post related images as reply's. Do not spam non related websites.
  3. Credit images - If an image is from another website or is not your own work, post the URL and authors information as part of your initial comment. This will save people from asking about it at a later time and will give the authors the proper credit they deserve.
  4. Image Watermarks - If an image is available without a watermark or a website has purposely added a website watermark, do not upload the image as it will be considered spam.

Posts must include:
Image's Original URL and URL Homepage of Author:
Misc Info:

Episode Picture Tagging - Post the episode number and episode title that the image is from as part of your initial comment. This will save people from asking about it at a later time. Images can be posted on the Imageboard and linked to in forum threads. Episode links can be obtained from PocketMonsters.net Episode Guide.

Posts must include:
Episode Title:
Episode Number:
Episode Guide URL:

  1. Do not post Hentai or Porn on the imageboard in any section. Images of this nature will be deleted and the posting user banned from the Imageboard.
  2. Do not request Hentai or Porn on the Imageboard in any section. This includes Pokémon Hentai and H-Doujin.
  3. Do not link to Hentai or other explicit material. Links of this nature will be deleted and the posting user banned from the Imageboard.
  4. Do not post illegal material.
  5. Respect other people opinions. If you have nothing positive to comment on a persons opinion, do not post. Posts that are degrading and negative in nature will be deleted. Respect comments posted.
  6. Please requests images politely.
  7. Do not post non Pokémon related material as main threads or replies.

PocketMonsters.net Forum Rules

The forums are used for the more dialog oriented conversations on the site. Users can also post images on the Imageboard and link to it in a forum thread if needed. One of the nice features of the forum is that it integrates with many other comment areas throughout the site. Users can post from various locations on the site and the posts all end up in the same thread. Bots also generate new threads when new news and episodes are added to the sites database, so be aware of this when creating threads so you don't end up creating a duplicate thread.

Below is the list of forum specific rules. As a user of this site, you are to have read these and follow them. Ignorance is not an excuse. All standard site rules also apply on the forum.

Forum Rules List

  1. Bot Thread Creation - The bots will create new threads automatically. Do not create duplicate threads as they will be deleted.
  2. Credit images - If an image is from another website or is not your own work, post the URL and authors information as part of your initial comment. This will save people from asking about it at a later time and will give the authors the proper credit they deserve.
  3. Do not post Hentai or Porn on the forum. Images or links of this nature will be deleted and the posting user banned from the site.
  4. Do not request Hentai or Porn on the forum. This includes Pokémon Hentai and H-Doujin.
  5. Do not link to Hentai or other explicit material. Links of this nature will be deleted and the posting user banned from the site.
  6. Do not post illegal material.
  7. Respect other people opinions. If you have nothing positive to comment on a persons opinion, do not post. Posts that are degrading and negative in nature will be deleted. Respect comments posted.
  8. Forum Signatures - Signatures should be simple and related to Pokémon. Do not put links in your signature to sites that are against site rules.

Remember, in the end, the most important rule is to have a good, clean time with us in the channel! Those who doesn't have a good time here aren't welcome.
This page has been viewed 91211 times.
Last updated 13 Sep 2014 16:47 by Sunain.
Revision #43
Page Tags: PocketMonsters.net