Home / Content DB / Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs Missions (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡 ミッション)

Game Details:

Developer: Creatures, Inc.
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release Date(s): March 6th, 2010 JPN (DS), August 3rd, 2016 JPN (Wii U VC), October 4th, 2010 USA, August 18th, 2016 ISA (Wii U VC), November 25th, 2010 AUS, June 9th, 2016 AUS (Wii U VC), November 5th, 2010 EU, June 9th, 2016 EU (Wii U VC)
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 3 (EUR)
Controller(s): Nintendo DS
Extra Contents: Guardian Signs Main Page, Areas, Ranger Signs, Boss Pokémon, Ranger Browser, Ranger Browser Past, Missions, Temple Missions, Wifi Missions, Importing/Exporting Pokémon


Picture Mission Description
Area Clearing out the Nappers in the Forest!
The first mission sets the players off into the Teak Forest where they discover Pokémon Nappers taking Pokémon. The player encounters two Nappers outside of the cave and must defeat their Buoysel and Gureggru. Later on the player meets up with Axe (アックス) who tries to stop Ukulele Pichu from getting but cannot. The Pokémon Nappers break Pichu's Ukulele as the player intervenes and as a raging Cranidos attacks. Raikou appears and shocks the Pokémon Nappers. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Pichu's Broken Ukulele
(こわれた ピチューのウクレレ)
The Pokémon Nappers broke Pichu's Ukulele. An angler (つりびと) is outside in the boat and the player goes back to Drop Island. While attempting to get the spare part, six Sunkern come out of the tree stump. After defeating the Sunkern, players can retrieve the spare part to fix Pichu's Ukulele. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Clear Way through Teak Forest
(チークのもりに あらたなみちを)
After returning to the present with Celebi, an old man (おじいさる) confronts the player. Players need to clear the fence blocking the path through the Teak Forest with a Pokémon that has a Slash field ability of 2. Zubat is the closest Pokémon and can be found in the nearby cave. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area A Quarrel between Parents
(ろうふうふの くちげんか)
Mister (おじさん) in the Kokona Village asks the player if they could help settle a quarrel with his parents that are in the house nearby. The player needs to bring the Geodude that they captured in the cave in the Teak Forest. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area No Electricity Pachirisu
(でんきのない パチリス)
A girl (おんなのこ) in the Kokona Village has a Pachirisu that cannot generate any electricity. Players need to go find a wild Pachirisu and bring it to the girl. It recharges the girls Pachirisu. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Salvaging the Sunken UFO
(しずんだ ユーフォーをひきあげろ)
Raikou used its Thunder and a UFO crashed into the water near by. The player heads to the beach and captures Lapras. The player then rides Lapras out to the Coral Sea. After defeating two Sharpedo which were blocking the way back to the surface, the player retrieves the sunken Napper vehicle. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Big Game - Down Fishing
(つりのがした おおもの)
The player must dive underwater and recover a Lure (ルアー) that a Luvdisc has. Once returned to the Mister (おじさん) at Laplace Beach the players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Go to the Radio Base and Report!
(むせんきちを かいほうせよ!)
The Pokémon Nappers have secured the Radio Base and its the players job to investigate. Electrical currents are playing havoc for the Nappers and the surrounding Pokémon. Raikou arrives and destroys the tower. The Player can then capture Raikou and learn its Ranger Sign. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Investigating the old Mansion!
In the Old Mansion is a book that players need to find in order to complete the mission. While in the mansion, players encounter the Pokémon Nappers and one of their leaders, Blue Eye (リーダー ブルーアイ). After defeating the boss, Blue Eye's Meganium, players find the book they were looking for. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Sleepless Grandmother
(ねむれない おばあさん)
An old lady in Naname Village is having a hard time getting to sleep and she has requested that the player finds her a Noctowl. The Noctowl can be found at the entrance to the Old Mansion. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Grounder Grounder Golone
(ゴロゴロ ゴローン)
A guy in Dontsuki Cape explains that there are two Golone at Ratorato Mountain. The player is sent to investigate and finds the two Golone on the path. After capturing them Pokémon Nappers appear and send out two Wooper's. The guy arrives and takes the Golone with him and the player receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Golone Ranger Sign is also revealed on the stone.
Area Help out Natsuya!
(ナツヤを たすけだせ!)
Players venture through the Asahi Ruins on Milonda Island. While in the ruins, players are required to activate ancient statues that generate and light beams that lower stone walls allowing people to venture further into the ruins. After capturing Entei, Red Eye appears with Natsuya and players trade Blue Eye for him. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Cute Cute Watacco
(かわいいかわいい ワタッコ)
Players are informed by a boy on Milonda Island at the Milonda Sea Route that a bunch of Watacco are causing havoc. The player investigates and finds a Pokémon Napper being chased by three Watacco. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Ranger Sign for Watacco is also revealed on a stone after the mission is completed.
Area Milonda Island's Mysterious Rocks
(ミロンダじまの ナゾのいわ)
A kind and his father in Naname Village explain that the player needs to destroy some rocks in the Milonda Island - Wandering Forest(ミロンダじま サマヨイのもり) while riding Entei. This mission is unlocked when players talk to the kid while riding Entei. After the player destroys all the rocks they will receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Rainbow Island Package
(レインボじまに にもつを)
On the bridge between Rainbow Island and Milonda Island, players encounter a woman who needs a package delivered to her husband in Kokona Village on Rainbow Island (レインボじま ココナむら). Once the player delivers the package, they need to return to the woman at the bridge to tell her its been delivered. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Fly! Mukkuru
(とべ! ムックル)
An old man in the Kokona Village has a Mukkuru that needs help learning how to fly. Mukkuru goes through the Teak Forest as the players direct it in the right direction. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Helping Bippa
(ビッパを たすけて!)
A young boy in the Kokona Village explains that a Bippa is being attacked by a Gureggru in the Teak Forest just at the entrance to the Yasuri Cave. The player captures both Pokémon and then the boy arrives and takes the Bippa with him. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Ranger Sign for Bippa is also revealed on a stone after the mission is completed.
Area Obstruct Blue Eye's Strategy!
(ブルーアイのさくせんを そしせよ!)
A bunch of rocks block the way on the Dangerous Cliff and players must use Entei to clear them. Then further down the coastline, Raikou must be summoned so the player can jump over large gaps and rock pillars. Players have 2 minutes to reach the submarine before its scheduled to leave. Once players board the submarine, they attempt to stop Blue Eye. After a battle with her, the sub begins sinking as Blue Eye tries escaping and the player has 10 minutes to get out as well. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
(あぱれだす からさ!)
A girl in Kiruri Cove needs four separate Pokémon in order to make a perfume. Players need to capture: Gible, Stunky, Bibarel & Mothim. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Search for Runaway Child!
(いえでしょうねんを さがせ!)
A woman in Kokona Village is missing her child. She explains that they might have runaway to the Asahi Ruins and the player is sent off to find them. Upon arriving at the ruins, the player sees the child enter. Once the player finds the child deep in the ruins, they return to the village and the mother is reunited. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Destroying the Pokémon Traps!
(ポケモンのワナを ぶっこわせ!)
An old woman in Kokona Village explains to the player that 3 traps have been setup around the island. The player must destroy them by using a Pokémon that has a Slash 1 field ability. There are Treecko's located throughout the Milonda Sea Route that have the required field ability. The traps are located: Just east of the Old Mansion entrance, east of the ruins on the Milonda Sea Route and finally players must go through the cave in Naname Village to get to the Dangerous Cliffs where the final trap is located. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Friendly Mankey
A woman in Kokona Village located in a house at the southeast corner explains that a Mankey is up by the Old Mansion. Two Misdreavus are attacking it outside the Old Mansion entrance. After the player captures all three Pokémon, the woman arrives and the Mankey goes with her. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Ranger Sign for Mankey is also revealed on a stone after the mission is completed.
Area Protect Fire from Capture!
(ファイヤーを てきからまもれ!)
The player arrives on Faldera Island (ファルデラじま) with a mission to defend Fire from being captured by Red Eye. After reaching Red Eye at the top of the volcano, players chase after him into the sky and have to defeat Charizard in a sky battle. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Spin! Kapoerer
(まわれ! カポエラー)
A man in the Sopiana Sea Route with a Hitmontop needs help getting it to spin properly. Players just have to capture the the Hitmontop. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. After the man and the Hitmontop leave, the Ranger Sign for Hitmontop appears on a nearby stone.
Area Calm Suicune's Anger!
(スイクンの いかりをしずめよ!)
Pokémon Nappers have infiltrated the ruins and are trying to capture Suicune. Players eventually save Suicune from a group of Pokémon Nappers and then capture Suicune after following it throughout the ruins. Suicune's Ranger Sign is shown after the player has captured it. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Run after Red Eye!
(レッドアイを おいかけろ!)
Players chase after Red Eye who is heading up Solbelas Mountain (ソルベラスやま) to capture Articuno. Players have to traverse numerous avalanches on the way up the mountain until they reach Articuno. After delaying Red Eye long enough for Articuno to fly away, he sends out a Typhlosion to battle. After defeating Typhlosion, players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area I want a Photograph
(しゃしんかの おねがい)
An old man on Sopiana Island in the Sopiana Sea Route (ソピアナじま ソピアナかいどう) is looking to take a picture of a Dunsparce. Players can catch one for him on Area Rainbow Island in the Yasuri Cave (レインボじま ヤスリどうくつ). Once the players bring him the Dunspace, they will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area A Question from a Child
(しょうねんの もんだい)
A boy outside Bookers house on Rainbow Island in Kokona Village (レインボじま ココナむら) is looking for a floating Pokémon. Players can capture a Drifloon or Drifblim in the sky and bring it to him. Once the players show him a Drifloon or Drifblim, they will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Angler's Dropped Garbage
(つりびとの おとしたゴミ)
An Angler on Sopiana Island at the Aqua Resort (ソピアナじま アクアリゾート) dropped a piece of garbage into the water. A new hole appears in the middle of the Canal Ruins and the Lumineon jumps in it. Players have to chase after it and catch it. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Come Back Home Pinpuku
(かえってこない ピンプク)
A man on Milonda Island in the Milonda Sea Route (ミロンダじま ミロンダかいどう) is looking for a missing Happiny. Player need to search through the Wandering Forest to find it. Players will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Rokon's Ruins Exploration
(ロコンの いせきたんけん)
A man outside the Asahi Ruins on Milonda Island (ミロンダじま アサヒのいせき) explains the a Vulpix entered the ruins and hasn't come out yet. The player is sent into the ruins to find it. The reason it hadn't return was it was surrounded by 3 Mightyena. The player must capture all 4 Pokémon. Players will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. Once the Vulpix and the man leave the ruins, the Ranger Sign for Vulpix appears on a nearby stone.
Area A Warm Meal for Mimirol
(ミミロルに あったかごはんを)
On Sopiana Island at the Sopiana Sea Route (ソピアナじま ソピアナかいどう) near the cave entrance to the Solbelas Mountains, a girl asks the player to corral them in the bottom right corner. Players have to navigate them around large boulders that appear and then capture them to calm them down enough for the girl to feed them. Players will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Ranger Sign for Buneary will also appear on a nearby stone after the mission is completed.
Area Rescue Padma and Leila!
(パネマとレイラを たすけだせ!)
The Pokémon Nappers have kidnapped Padma and Leila. The player is sent to investigate the Sopiana Island Oblivia Ruins (ソピアナじま オブリビアいせき) where it is thought that they were taken to. After searching the ruins, the players find them at the top but have to battle Garchomp to complete the mission. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Shikulele Island Mystery Revealed!
(シクレレじまの なぞをとけ!)
Players arrive on the Shikulele Island via Staraptor and activate the first of 5 beacons located around the Oblivia region. Once all 5 beacons are activated, the player returns to Shikulele Island where Latios/Latias appears. Player chase after it on Staraptor and capture it. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission. The Ranger Sign for Latios/Latias is now activated.
Area Pochama and the Faldera Volcano
(ファルデラかざんの ポッチャマ)
A man explains to the player that a Pochama is in trouble on the Faldera Volcano. There is lava pools and a bunch of Golem blocking its path. The player needs to rescue Pochama by directing it to the stairs where the man is waiting. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Cheerful Guidance
(ようきな みちあんない)
An old lady in the Aqua Resort recalls the cheerful memories of a Ludicolo that is located in the Sopiana Island - Canal Ruins (ソピアナじま カナルのいせき). Players are to capture and bring the Ludicolo to the old lady. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Beequeen of the Forest
(もりの ビークイン)
A woman near the cave entrance to the Solbelas Mountains on Sopiana Island at the Sopiana Sea Route (ソピアナじま ソピアナかいどう) says that there are some Vespiquen in trouble in the Canal Ruins. Players encounter two Vespiquen and two Pokémon Nappers. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Brother of the Dangerous Cliff
(キケンながけの あに)
A girl on Milonda Island in Naname Village (ミロンダじま ナナメむら) is concerned that her brother hasn't returned back from the Dangerous Cliff and asks the player to find out where he is. The player arrives at the Dangerous Cliff and find out that he is being harassed by Pokémon Nappers. Return to the girl in the village and players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Brother of the Dangerous Cliff
(キケンながけの あに)
A girl on Milonda Island in Naname Village (ミロンダじま ナナメむら) is concerned that her brother hasn't returned back from the Dangerous Cliff and asks the player to find out where he is. The player arrives at the Dangerous Cliff and find out that he is being harassed by Pokémon Nappers. Return to the girl in the village and players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Search out Purple Eye!
(パープルアイを さがしだせ!)
Players head off to Thunder Cloud Island - Thunder Cloud Mountain (ライウンじま ライウンやま) to chase after Purple Eye who is attempt to capture Zapdos. Player must defeat the Metagross in order to complete the mission. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Take out the Fortress's Barrier!
The player remembers seeing the alter at the beginning of their journey in the Oblivia region and they head back to that location underwater. Visit Murph in Naname Village and he will take the player to the west sea. The artifact is placed on the alter and it raised out of the water calling Ho-oh. After battling and capturing Ho-oh its Ranger Sign is revealed. Ho-oh removes the forcefield around the Air Fortress in the process. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Go to Protect Oblivia!
(オブリビアのくいわを まもれ!)
After player lower the barrier surrounding the Air Fortress by capturing Ho-oh, players can land on the outside of the Fortress. The player must defeat the 4 Napper bosses to save the Oblivia region. The mission and main game ends after defeating Purple Eye.
Area Enjoyable Sky Drive
(たのしい そらのドライブ)
After players complete the game, Padma explains that she has been working on the UFO, the Napper vehicle you recovered earlier and she wants to test it. The vehicle goes crazy and starts shooting the player in the sky. If the player survives the attack, they will receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Coral Amulet
Moana (モアナ), located at Laplace Beach on Rainbow Island (レインボじま ラプラスビーチ), has lost her lucky Coral Amulet in the Sea. The players must dive into the sea and chase a Kingdra who has the amulet. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Cry from the Sky
(そらからの なきごえ)
A girl located on Rainbow Island in the Kokona Village (レインボじま ココナむら) explains that she heard a Pokémon cry coming from the sky earlier. The player fly's up in the sky near Drop Island and encounters Togikiss. Players capture it and return to the village to show the girl. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Herbie's Fast Dispatch
(ハービーの くさけんきゅう)
Players must have completed the Rainbow Island Package (レインボじまに にもつを) mission to unlock this mission. Herbie requires three grass Pokémon that are located in different places in Oblivia. Players need to capture Venusaur, located on Rainbow Island in the Ratorato Mountain Trail (レインボじま ラトラトさんどう) west of the bridge and they will require Suicune to go on the river that leads to it. Players also need to capture Carnivine and Vileplume. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Calming the Angry Skies!
(そらのいかりを しずめよ!)
Players need to go to the center of the Oblivia region and get Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno to land. Once they have landed, players need to go to each Island and capture the three legendary birds. After they have been captured and the player collects the 3 pieces of the armor suit, return to Tsubasa (ツバサ) on Sopiana Island at the Aqua Resort (ソピアナじま アクアリゾート) Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Ruin Enthusiast's Report
(いせきマニアの ほうこくしょ)
The enthusiast is looking for a Pokémon: Azumarill. Players must obtain the Azumarill at the Silver Falls and then bring it to him. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Ruin Enthusiast's Report
(いせきマニアの てかみ)
The enthusiast is looking for a Pokémon: Floatzel. Players must obtain the Floatzel in the Oblivia Ruins and then bring it to him. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Ninetales of Solbelas Mountain
(ソルベラスやまの キュウコン)
An old man requests that players get a Ninetales located further up Solbelas Mountain. The player catches the Pokémon and returns it back to him. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Exchange with Person for Money
(おかねに かえられないもの)
An old woman at the Aqua Resort needs her recovered but the Pokémon Nappers overhear that its expensive and decide to get it. Players need to take the ship in Naname Village and dive underwater to retrieve it from the Nappers. After confronting the Pokémon Nappers, they will give up the item. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Milonda Island's Mysterious Rocks 2
(ミロンダじまの ナゾのいわ2)
A boy in Naname Village explains there are some rocks that need to be destroyed in the Wandering Forest. Players must summon Entei and talk to the boy while riding Entei for the mission to begin. Be careful as the large red rocks will explode and deal 5 damage. After clearing the rocks, it becomes apparent that the Golem's are the ones responsible for the rocks in the forest. After capturing the Pokémon Nappers Golem's the players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Come Back Home Bunyat
(かえってこない ブニャット)
A girl in Naname Village explains that her Purugly has run off to the Old Mansion and requests that the player goes to retrieve it. Once the player returns with the ugly cat, they will receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area The Angry Angler!
(つりびとの いかり!)
The Pokémon Nappers have made an Angler by the cliff at the Old Mansion angry. Players are instructed to go and stop them and they must go through the Milonda Sea Route (ミロンダかいどう) until they arrive at the area where the Ranger Sign for Jumpluff is revealed on a stone. Pokémon Nappers will appear and the player must capture their Pokémon to stop them. One of the Napper that was disguised as an angler reveals himself. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Great Detective Ranger
(めいたんてい レンジャー)
At the Aqua Resort, an old man explains that there have been numerous robberies lately and he asks the player to track down the culprit. As the player exits the building, a Sneasel runs by. After talking with an angler, the player follows the Sneasel again and corners it on the other peer. The older people and the angler come and identify the Sneasel as the player defeats it. The items are returned and the player receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Padma needs Electric Energy
(パネアのために でんりょくを)
Once players have completed you have completed the Enjoyable Sky Drive (たのしい そらのドライブ) mission, it will unlock another mission that Padma needs completing. Padma requires electric energy in order to operate a new machine she has developed and asks the player to collect 5 specific Pokémon in order to operate the machine. The Pokémon and their locations are:
  1. Electivire (Thunder Cloud Mountain or the Air Fortress)
  2. Manectric (Thunder Cloud Mountain)
  3. Ampharos (Yasuri Cave, Thunder Cloud Mountain and the Air Fortress)
  4. Electrode (Thunder Cloud Mountain)
  5. Jolteon (Radio Base)
Once players bring the Pokémon back to her, they will receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Children's Song Book
(きんじられた わらべうた)
Upon completion of the game, Talga (タルガ) will give players a mission to recover a children's song book from the Old Mansion. It is located on the shelf in the basement. Take the book back to Talga. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Ranger Contest!
Upon completion of the game and after completing the Calming the Angry Skies! (そらのいかりを しずめよ!) mission, players talk to Murph who discusses a Ranger Contest! Players can find Murph at the dock in Naname Village after reporting to the Rangers after the Calming the Angry Skies! mission. The Ranger Contest involves capturing 7 Pokémon. The Pokémon, their locations and requirements are:
  1. Honchkrow (Found in the sky. Players must summon Latios/Latias in their enraged mode to be fast enough to catch up to it)
  2. Togekiss (located in the Sky between Sopiana Island and Milonda Island after completing the Cry from the Sky (そらからの なきごえ) mission)
  3. Quagsire (Located east of the Old Mansion on an island surrounded by water. Summon Suicune to reach it)
  4. Kabutops (Dangerous Cliff)
  5. Probopass (Located at the Milonda Sea Route (ミロンダかいどう) where the Ranger Sign for Jumpluff is revealed on a stone)
  6. Heracross (Canal Ruins)
  7. Cherrim (Ratorato Mountain Trail) - Use Suicune's Roar behind Venusaur
When players return to Murph with the Pokémon, they will receive 30 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Gathering the Fuwante
(フワンテを あつめて!)
A man at the Dangerous Cliff needs help gathering 4 Drifloon. Player must round up the Pokémon to the dead end. Once gathered, Pokémon Nappers will show up and send out 4 Sableye to distract everyone while they take the Drifloon. Players need to capture the Sableye's and then confront the two Pokémon Nappers. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area The Sad Suicune
(かなしげな スイクン)
Players talk to Stew (スチュ) in the Aqua Resort (アクアリゾート) and he explains that Suicune is sad that the legendary monuments have been damaged by the Pokémon Nappers. Players are instructed to return to Talga's House to get some more information on repairing the monuments. After discussing it with Talga, players can repair the monuments in the Asahi Ruins (アサヒのいせき) and Canal Ruins (カナルのいせき). Players need to get a monument fragment for Raikou's monument at the top of Thunder Cloud Mountain from Natsuya or Minami. Players are now able to repair that monument in the Yasuri Cave (ヤスリどうくつ). Once all three monuments have been repaired, return to Stew. Players receive 30 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Dreaming of Elekible
(ゆめにでた エレキブル)
An old man in the Aqua Resort (アクアリゾート) would like to see an Electivire. Players must capture the Electivire from Thunder Cloud Mountain (ライウンやま) and bring it to him to see. Players receive 20 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Important Red Fruit
(だいじな あかいきのみ)
Booker explains that there is a red fruit that grows on Milonda Island in the Milonda Sea Route(ミロンダじま ミロンダかいどう) that he needs. Once players obtain and give the fruit to Booker they will receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Laf's Good Idea!
(ラーフの めいあん!)
Right after completing the Important Red Fruit (だいじな あかいきのみ) mission for Booker, Laf will give the player a mission. Once the player listen to Laf's proposal, visit Talga's House and then the Ratorato Mountain Trail (ラトラトさんどう) by the bridge and a new sign will appear. Laf runs off to the warehouse, follow her there and then back to bridge where 3 signs will now be in place. Players receive 25 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Flying Apparatus in the Sky
(そらとぶこうぐを おえ)
A main in the Radio Base construction office explains that he saw a flying apparatus in the sky and asks the player to investigate. Upon reaching the top of the Radio Tower, players encounter a Beldum. Once captured, players return to the office to report. Players receive 15 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Son's Lunchbox
(むすこの おべんとう)
After completing the Quarrel between Parents (ろうふうふの くちげんか), the old woman will give the players a mission to take her son's lunchbox to him up at the Radio Base. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Recover the Lunchbox
(ばくの おべんとう)
Right after players complete the Son's Lunchbox(むすこの おべんとう) mission, a Pidgey fly's by and takes it from the boy. Players are asked to recover it and must go up the Radio Tower. In the windy level, go straight down the electrical conduit to the southwest corner to find the Pidgey. After capturing the three Pidgey that show up, the player returns to the boy. Players receive 10 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area The Pichu of Drop Island
(ドロップじまの ピチューたち)
Player visit Booker who explains that the Pichu that were rescued from Drop Island have gone astray. One of the Pichu's was in the boat off to the side of the room but the 6 other Pichu's need to be found. The player must go to various places throughout Oblivia to find them.
  • Rainbow Island - Kokona Village (レインボじま ココナむら) - Use Roar from one of the legendaries near the save point.
  • Rainbow Island - Teak Forest (レインボじま チークのもり) - Use Eevee (or a Pokémon with Slam 1 or greater) on the tree near the exit to the cave.
  • Rainbow Island - Ratorato Mountain (レインボじま ラトラトやま) - Cross the bridge towards the Radio Base and Pichu will appear.
  • Milonda Island - Dangerous Cliff (ミロンダじま キケンながけ) - At the end of the cliffs where the Submarine launched.
  • Faldera Island - Faldera Volcano (ファルデラじま ファルデラかざん) - Fly away from Faldera Volcano and players will automatically encounter Pichu flying. It will fall to the ground and players can catch it.
  • Sopiana Island - Silver Falls (ソピアナじま シルバーフォール) - Pichu falls out of the sky.
After returning the Pichu's to Booker, Players receive 30 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Oblivia Go Go!
(オブリビア ゴーゴー!)
After completing all previous 51 missions, Manager (マネージャー) appears at the docks of the Aqua Resort. Players need to find the other members of Go-Rock Quads (ゴーゴー4兄弟) who are located throughout the Oblivia region and then return to Tiffany (Mirai ミライ) at the Aqua Resort.
  • Garret (Yūki ユウキ) - Sopiana Island - Solbelas Mountain (ソピアナじま ソルベラスやま) - He is located behind one of the pillars at the top left at the first avalanche zone.
  • Billy (Yarai ヤライ) - Sopiana Island - Oblivia Ruins (ソピアナじま オブリビアいせき) - A pair of guards challenge the player with a Lucario.
  • Clyde (Yōji ヨウジ) - Booker's Bridge - A Sneasel will run by on the bridge and he chases after it. Players follow him to Rainbow Island - Dontsuki Cape (レインボじま ドンツキみさき) where he asks the player to capture the Sneasel for him. After players bring the Sneasel to Clyde, two Weavile's will jump out of the forest.
Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.
Area Help out Blue Eye!
(ブルーアイを たすけだせ!)
After players have completed the game and obtained all 300 Pokémon in their Ranger Browser, a Lugia mission is activated at Talga's House. The Pokémon Nappers have lost control of a situation at the Seafloor Cave and require assistance. Players rescue Blue Eye at the sea floor and upon you returning to the boat, Lugia will challenge the player. Once captured, the Ranger sign for Lugia is revealed. Players receive 50 Ranger Point for clearing the mission.

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Last updated 24 Nov 2011 23:33 by Sunain.
Revision #124
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