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Presenting Model Sheets for "Chymia"! (2016/5/19)

Chymia is the princess of Azoth Kingdom, and a girl that hates sitting still!
She has a black Mega Sirknight as her partner, and is an active princess we see operate both a flight device and a bike!

Her voice is portrayed by Mayu Matsuoka, who's well known from lots of TV serials and talk shows!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations

Presenting Model Sheets for "Racel"! (2016/5/26)

The prince of Azoth Kingdom, and Chymia's younger brother.
His partner is a Peroream.

He is a quiet boy that devotes himself to the study of Mystery Science.
He searches for Magearna for the sake of the kingdom's prosperity.

His voice is portrayed by Shoko Nakagawa! This is her monumental 10th appearance in a movie!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations

Presenting Model Sheets for "Jarvis"! (2016/6/2)

This is the cabinet minister of Azoth Kingdom, Jarvis.
He uses a White Mega Gangar.
He plots to overthrow the kingdom with the power of Magearna's "Soul Heart".

His voice is portrayed by Koichi Yamadera, who has become an absolute must to have in a Pokémon movie at this point!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations

Presenting Model Sheets for "Éliphas"! (2016/6/9)

Éliphas is the master of Mystery Science that gave birth to Magearna 500 years ago!
He successfully created many different kinds of inventions based on Pokémon's powers, which greatly enriched Azoth Kingdom.
He's an inventor even Citron looks up to!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations

Presenting Model Sheets for "Doga & Ether"! (2016/6/16)

This is Doga and Ether, underlings of Jarvis, the man who is after Magearna.
The muscular man is Doga.
The woman with the decadent air to her is Ether.

They control the army of mega evolved Pokémon using the Mega Wave Jarvis created through the use of Neo Mystery Science!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations
10 Keywords that will help you enjoy the movie

Presenting Concept Art for "the Nebel Plateau" (2016/6/23)

This is the plateau where Volcanion and Magearna live together with Pokémon injured by humans.
A huge tree resembling Volcanion's arms act as its symbol!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations
10 Keywords that will help you enjoy the movie

Presenting "Magearna the Way it Looked 500 Years Ago"! (2016/6/24)

This is Magearna, the way it looked 500 years ago.
Since it was serving Azoth Kingdom, it had gorgeous colors and an extravagant pattern!

To see how the current Magearna, the one Satoshi and his friends encounter, looks, check out the Character/Pokémon presentations!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations
10 Keywords that will help you enjoy the movie

Presenting Concept Art for "the Royal Castle of Azoth Kingdom"! (2016/7/7)

Azoth Kingdom, the kingdom of ingenuity.
Right in the middle of this device-packed city where rotating cogwheels can be found absolutely everywhere stands the Royal Castle.
What kind of story will Chymia, Racel and Jarvis give us?
Don't miss out on it!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations
10 Keywords that will help you enjoy the movie

Presenting the Flying Boats That Appear in the Movie! (2016/7/14)

As befits Azoth Kingdom, a place known as the City of Super Ingenuity, the movie will have mechanical devices absolutely everywhere!
There's Jarvis' gigantic flying boat and Chymia's medium-sized one, and of course Citron's inventions will be appearing as well!
Technology truly is incredible in this movie as well, isn't it!?

The movie finally premieres Saturday July 16th!

Related links:
Character/Pokémon presentations
10 Keywords that will help you enjoy the movie

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Last updated 14 Jul 2016 10:47 by Adamant.
Revision #12
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