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I'm running! (2016/4/16)

The biggest Pokémon movie project ever has finally started!
The time has come for me to rise to the top of the list of 720 Pokémon!

That's right, I'm running!
In the "Pokémon Elections 720"!

And since I'm running, I've practically won already!
The Pokémon to be given out in theaters this summer is Nyarth!

The voting has finally started!
Everyone, make sure to send in a vote for me!

Votes are currently being accepted! (2016/4/17)

The voting for the "Pokémon Elections 720" has started!
Have you guys voted for me?
I'm concerned about the state of the voting...!

What? You don't know how to vote!?
Guess I have no choice: After all, this is for the sake of an honest vote:
I'll explain the system. Listen carefully!

There's an entire five different ways to vote!
I wrote a note about them, so look carefully at this.

(1) Vote directly through Pokémon Center and Toys 'R' Us stores!
(2) Obtain a ballot with a Voting Code and vote via the Internet!
(3) Use a Nintendo 3DS to vote through 7-Eleven!
(4) Vote via the data broadcast for the anime TV series "Pocket Monsters XY&Z"!
(5) Vote with the postcard that comes with the May issue of Corocoro Comic!

Heh heh, I see!
For more detailed information, read this page carefully,
and you should all be able to easily vote!

Those of you reading this should probably vote via the Internet!
To vote via the Internet, you need a "Ballot with Voting Code", which you can get at theaters screening the Pokémon movie, Ito-Yokado stores, Aeon stores and the like!

*The Voting Code in the image is just a sample one

What!? You gave a vote to Pikachu after learning how to vote?
Aaagh! I lost a vote!

Everyone, give a vote to me!

Opening Up an Office! (2016/4/18)

There's 20 more days to go until May 8th, the voting deadline for the "Pokémon Elections 720".

This is going to be quite the long battle.

Just like a Koduck, I'm holding my head in my hands out of worry.
What was that? You're saying a Koduck always holds its head in its hands?


Okay, never mind that Koduck thing!

Either way, this long, long election requires me to fight to the bitter end!
And to do that, I need a campaign office to operate out of!
So I'm going to rent one!

I'd like to rent an office!
What? I don't have any money!!

What, you say you'll accept the coin on my forehead?
Give me a break! I refuse!!




So somehow or other, they let me rent a small corner at a company!

Here I can fight my way through the elections!
Send in a vote for me!

Making an Election Poster! (2016/4/19)

After all is said and done, though, if I want to stay on top of this election,
I need people to know who I am.

The first thing I'll do to ensure that is to make an election poster!
Even though I'm already the most well known Pokémon out there, there might still be some people out there that aren't aware of me, so I'm gonna do this to make double sure.

Heey! Doble!

Make an election poster and draw me all cool on it!
What? You're fully booked for the next three years?
I had no clue you were that popular!

Uh, guess I have no choice but to draw it myself, then!

I made quite the masterpiece!

There, now my victory is secured!
Send in a vote for me!

Holding a soapbox speech! (2016/4/20)

When you think of elections, you think of soapboxing!
I'm gonna go out on the street and let passerbys know what my deal is!

Um, attention everyone!
My name is Nyarth,
I am currently running in the "Pokémon Elections 720"!

I have given a loooot of thought to matters concerning both Pokémon and humans!

Um, in the event that I win,
I will be given to you all.
I hope you will treat me with love and care.

All I ask for is that you'll give me my regular afternoon snack.

... ...

Nobody's listening...

Hey, Dogohmb! Could you put my speech on the speakeeeers?




People just yelled at me for making so much noise!
But hey, I'm sure that made my name more well known!

Send in a vote for meee!!

Vote via the Data Broadcast! (2016/4/21)

The anime TV series "Pocket Monsters XY&Z" airs today!

Starting today, you'll be able to vote in the "Pokémon Elections 720" via the Data Broadcast!
This is my chance to get a whole ton of votes!
Send in a vote for meee!!

What? You'd like to recap how to vote?
Thought so.

It's all explained in detail on this TV Tokyo AniTV page,
so read it carefully through.

Right then, now I'm gonna practice pushing the "d-button".

The anime TV series "Pocket Monsters XY&Z"
airs at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network!!
Make sure to watch it, everyone!

And send in a vote for meee!!

Leaving the House is Your Chance! (2016/4/22)

All this unfamiliar election work is tiring me out.
I need some rest to be able to keep fighting in the "Pokémon Elections 720".
So this weekend, I plan to take a good rest.

Tabunne-chaaaan, could you use "Heal Pulse" on me?

What are you doing, Whalko? I didn't say "Water Pulse"!



Either way, do you guys have any plans for the weekend yet?
What? You still don't have any real plans!?
In that case, I'll tell you how to have a great weekend!
Just leave this to me!

What do you think about going to the movies, for instance?
The theaters that show Pokémon movies are currently playing the trailer for this summer's Pokémon movie.
If you buy the special pre-order ticket at a theater, it'll come with a "Full Pokémon Gathering" poster as a special theater purchase bonus!
And they have "Pokémon Elections 720" ballots there too.

You went to the movies last week? How about going shopping, then?

If you're going to buy Pokémon merchandise, you should go to your local Pokémon Center or Pokémon Store!
And since they put up "Pokémon Elections 720" ballot boxes there, you can vote directly through the stores.
If you don't have access to a Pokémon Center or a Toys 'R' Us, they also have "Pokémon Elections 720" ballots at Ito-Yokado stores, Aeon stores and other places.
You should take the opportunity to vote while you're out shopping groceries.

You don't want to go outside at all?
How about staying home and reading some comics, then?
The May issue of Corocoro Comic is currently on sale.
The "Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna" manga is serialized there,
but most importantly, it lets you vote in the "Pokémon Elections 720" via a postcard!

What? You don't want to do anything at all!? You just want to take it easy around your neighborhood?
Well, there's nothing to be done about that! Just stock up on some snacks from your local convenience store and go slack off.
If you take your Nintendo 3DS to a 7-Eleven, you can vote via the "7-Spot" service!

In other words, no matter where you go and what you do, you can participate in the "Pokémon Elections 720"!
Send in a vote for meee!!

A Reconnaissance Mission to Check How Excited People Are About the "Pokémon Elections 720"! (2016/4/23)

It's been exactly one week since the "Pokémon Elections 720" started!
I'm positive the voting stations are crowded with my fans!
I'll go on a reconnaissance mission right away!

Here I am at the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo!

There's lots of people here having a good time with the "Pokémon Elections 720"!
I wonder who they're all voting for?

I'm sure this ballot box is just stuuuffed
with ballots that have my name written on them.

Oh hey! I just spotted a young boy who's about to vote!

I'll try interviewing him about who he sent in a vote for!

To be continued tomorrow...

Who did you send in a vote for? (2016/4/24)

I am at the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo
to see how the voting for the "Pokémon Elections 720" is going!
And right now I've found a young boy just about to vote!

(He voted!)

Hi there, I am here performing an exit survey
about the "Pokémon Elections 720"!
Who did you vote for?

"For Jukain!
It's because it's really cool when Jukain mega evolves, and it makes it so strong!"

I say! This boy is really close to Jukain thanks to the bonds of Mega Evolution!
His vote was filled with love for Jukain!

I'm sure I'm his second favorite.
But you only get one vote, so that doesn't help.

You guys make sure to resist the temptation to vote multiple times at once, now.
Choose the one single candidate that's right for you and send in one single, honest vote!

This is Amazing, you Can Vote Via 7-Eleven Too! (2016/4/25)

I've received a letter today.
It's from "Dedenne Fan" in Tokyo.

*postcards addressed to us will not actually reach Nyarth.

To Nyarth
I wanted to send in a vote for Dedenne,
but when I went to 7-Eleven, they didn't have any ballots.
How can I vote?

Even though you wanted to vote for Dedenne,
I'm going to be merciful.

Let me teach you how to vote via 7-Eleven!

To vote via 7-Eleven, you need a game system in the Nintendo 3DS series.
You won't be able to vote smoothly unless your system has been updated,
so bring a game system in the Nintendo 3DS series that has the latest update installed.

Once you're in the store, look for this sign that says "7-Spot".

Once you've accessed "DS via 7-Spot", tap the "Pokémon Elections 720" banner.
Then search up the Pokémon you want to vote for and press the vote button.
No need for ballots or voting codes.

For further information, see this page:

Got all that?
If you change your mind, I hope you'll vote for me.

All you readers out there, send in a vote for meee!

My Public Promise... (2016/4/26)

I sometimes think about the near future,
about what comes after I've won the "Pokémon Elections 720".

Once I've won...
I'll let you stroke me in PokéParler to your heart's content.
I promise you that stroking me will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This is my public promise to you all!!

What? You're telling me to promise to evolve from being stroked?
Only Nymphia does that kind of nonsense!

Nymphia-chan just slapped me!

Once you want to evolve someone, just plain leveling them up will always be the superior method!
That aside, send in a vote for me!

Pay attention to tomorrow's episode of Oha Suta! (2016/4/27)

Incredibly, tomorrow's episode of "Oha Suta" will broadcast
an interim report of the "Pokémon Elections 720"!

Even though I'm certain I'm in the lead,
I'm reeeeally curious about who's in second place!

"Oha Suta" airs on the TV Tokyo Network at 7:05am.
You just can't miss this!!!!!

The Interim Report Announcement... I am What? (2016/4/28)

Hi guys! Did you watch "Oha Suta" today?
They broadcast an interim report on the "Pokémon Elections 720"!

I'm ranked...
I'm ranked...
I'm ranked...

I'm not on the liiiist!!

I didn't even place 10th!!

The rankings that weren't shown on "Oha Suta" got posted on the official "Pokémon Elections 720" website,
all the way down to the top 100!
I'm sure I placed 11th by a hair♪

Specifically, I am...

I'm ranked.........

I'm not on the list...

I can't help getting depressed over this!

I am going to make it all the way to that miraculous first place!
My personal legend starts today!

Send in a vote for meeee!!

It's Time for the Second Half: Golden Week Will Be the Crunch Time! (2016/4/29)

We've finally reached the second half of the "Pokémon Elections 720"!
The world has now entered Golden Week!

And I can see them...
The people turning in ballots for the "Pokémon Elections 720"!

If you go somewhere for Golden Week,
I'd really really like you to try dropping by stores and theaters
where they have "Pokémon Elections 720" ballots.

See, I've realized the following:
If I, someone who's not yet in the top 100, is going to win this,
I need all you guys to help me.

I'm begging you, please give me a voooote!

Invitations to the Result Announcement Ceremony! (2016/4/30)

I have an important announcement for you all!

Detailed information on the "Pokémon Elections 720" Result Announcement Ceremony is now available!!

The Pokémon elected to stand on top as the best of the 720 Pokémon
will be announced on Tuesday June 7th at TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills!
It will be a big ceremony with lots of extravagant guests attending!

150 groups of 2, for a total of 300 people, will be invited to that extravagant ceremony.
For further information, see this page, then send in an entry!

I hope you will get to see me bask in the glory of taking first place with your own eyes!
I'm awaiting your entries!

Nyarth Dreams of the Election! (2016/5/1)

The interim report didn't have me in the top 100.

Not being in the top 100 means I could be ranked anywhere from 101st to 720th.
If I'm ranked 720th, that means I have to overtake 719 Pokémon.

Just what rank do I have!?
Please tell me!!

Ah! I was having a nightmare...
Hey, Munna! Could you eat my nightmare?


That's Munna for you.
I can't remember what I dreamed at all.

The Pokémon on the top of the "Pokémon Elections 720" is me!
Please give me a voooote!

An Intense Panorama Display has Been Set Up at JR Ikebukuro Station! (2016/5/2)

The "Pokémon Elections 720" runs for just one more week!
We've finally reached the climax!

And to further drum up excitement for the "Pokémon Elections 720" during this climax,
a panorama display has been set up at JR Ikebukuro Station!

It's a gigantic poster, nearly an entire 7 meters in length!!!
7 meters, that's as long as Rayquaza!

It's going to stay up from Monday May 2nd to Sunday May 8th!
I really really want you to go see it!

And after you've seen it, it's highly recommended you next go
vote in the "Pokémon Elections 720" at the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo!

Please give me a voooote!

Advertisement posting period: Monday May 2nd to Sunday May 8th, 2016
Location: Orange Road, JR Ikebukuro Station
*Please do not contact the station or station staff for information.
*Please do not inconvenience the station or other passengers when looking at the poster. Likewise, when taking pictures etc., please make sure to not prevent people from passing.
*If you request information, please call the Pokémon Movie Campaign Number.
0120-101-172 (open every day from 11am to 6pm)

Hibiya Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line has the 720 Pokémon Lined Up Now as Well! (2016/5/3)

Shortly after the Rayquaza-class panorama display appeared at JR Ikebukuro Station,
posters appeared at Hibiya Station as well!

They're at Hibiya Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line!
A long row of posters at the platform for Naka-Meguro-bound trains are now "Pokémon Election 720" posters!

It's incredible! There's a total of 15 posters featuring 48 Pokémon each, thus having all 720 Pokémon running in the "Pokémon Elections 720" between them!

It'd be nice if people with no idea what Pokémon to vote for were to send in a vote for a Pokémon that just happen to catch their eye on one of the posters.

Of course, it'd also be nice if they voted for me.
Don't hold back, now!!

Please give me a voooote!

Advertisement posting period: Tuesday May 3rd to Thursday May 5th, 2016
Location: Platform for Naka-Meguro-bound trains, Hibiya Station, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
*Please do not contact the station or station staff for information.
*Please do not inconvenience the station or other passengers when looking at the posters. Likewise, when taking pictures etc., please make sure to not prevent people from passing.
*If you request information, please call the Pokémon Movie Campaign Number.
0120-101-172 (open every day from 11am to 6pm)

Answering a Person Struggling with Figuring Out Who to Vote For! (2016/5/4)

Have you voted in the "Pokémon Elections 720" yet?
What? You haven't!?

You just can't remember the name of the Pokémon you want to vote for, no matter how hard you try?
Well, try describing your favorite Pokémon to me.
I'll tell you what it's called.

Okay, so it has a yellow circle on its forehead?

(My coin is yellow)

And it has sharp claws?

(My claws are super sharp)

And its name starts with an N?

(It's me!)

What? And its body is black, with one of its ears being red?

...It's called a "Nyula".

So yeah, you can go give a vote to Nyula! (cries)

The Search for a Pokémon to vote for page has a variety of search methods too, so you're sure to find the Pokémon you wanted to vote!
Give it a try!

I'm Placing My Bets on the Data Broadcast! (2016/5/5)

Golden Week is break time!
But the anime TV series "Pocket Monsters XY&Z" isn't taking a break!

Today is a day you can vote via the data broadcast, too!
This final TV anime data broadcast might lead to a huge turnabout!
My miracle depends on you guys sitting in front of the TV!

Further information on how to vote can be checked at this page!

You may end up enjoying the anime so much you forget to vote,
So decide which Pokémon you're going to vote for before the episode starts!

If you have a "Pokémon Zukan Z", you can check up on
the 720 Pokémon running in the "Pokémon Elections 720" there.

Please give me a voooote!

Votes are Gained with Actual Legwork! (2016/5/6)

The "Pokémon Election 720" runs for another 2 days.
Have you guys all voted already?

I've decided to go back to the very basics of an election!
A huge turnabout isn't done in one day.
Votes are gained with actual legwork!

What? Okutank will beat me at that since it has so many legs?
That's not what I meant!

What I meant was that I will go around and talk to every voter one by one,
asking them to vote for me.

How are you?

Give a vote to me.


Please give me a voooote!

Take note of tomorrow's episode of "Pokénchi" (2016/5/7)

Have you voted yet?
What!! You still haven't!?

Why not!?
Today and tomorrow are the final days of the "Pokémon Elections 720" voting!
Hurry, place a vote and make your favorite Pokémon learn how you feel about it!

There's a huge opportuinty for you guys coming up, actually!
Just watch the episode of "Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?" that airs tomorrow, Sunday May 8th!
You'll be able to vote via the data broadcast while the episode is airing!

"Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?" airs every Sunday at 8am on the TV Tokyo network!

Please give me a voooote!

The Final Day Is Here At Last! (2016/5/8)

It's been a long run, but the "Pokémon Elections 720" finally ends today.
I've been dashing through these 23 days at full force.

This will then be the final entry in this campaign diary, where I've been asking you guys to support me.
Thanks to your support, I've been working really hard, too.

Thank you for that, guys!

There's just one thing for me to say, then:
I'll be waiting in Roppongi on Tuesday June 7th.
I hope you will get to see me bask in the glory of taking first place with your own eyes.

There's still 12 hours left of the "Pokémon Elections 720"!
Those of you who haven't voted yet still have time!

Now, I've already decided what my final words to you will be:


This page has been viewed 5694 times.
Last updated 19 May 2016 12:45 by Adamant.
Revision #6
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